Health & Social Policy LBJ School

Dr. Varoufakis on Birds of a Feather

It is clear that racism, sexism and classism are discriminatory practices that impose harm on specific groups of people. It is less clear how discriminatory mechanisms in society arise and how they change the behavior of certain groups. Dr. Yanis Varoufakis, visiting professor at the LBJ School, conducted research on discrimination using game theory laboratory […]

LBJ School Multimedia

Graduate Public Affairs Council (GPAC) 2014 Elections

Students at the LBJ School have a lot to say about their program. From student body diversity to curriculum structure to kitchen supplies, many students have an opinion on how the school currently conducts itself and how it should conduct itself going forward. This week, students have the opportunity to take action and elect individuals […]

Global Policy Studies & International Security LBJ School Politics and Governance

A New Kind of Battle

Clicking through the archives of the Washington Post with a steaming cup of coffee in hand, I came across an article written by Martha McSally, an Air Force lieutenant colonel who served in Saudi Arabia. Her article, entitled “Why American troops in Afghanistan shouldn’t have to wear headscarves” responds to the current military policy recommending […]

LBJ School Philanthropy & Non-Profit Organizations

Special Interview: Nina Munk on Jeffrey Sachs and the Millennium Villages Project

Stay in policy school long enough and you’ll notice the growing tendency to treat every problem as a four-dimensional Rubik’s cube just waiting for the right solution. Development studies, in particular, can often fall into the trap of trying to solve a macro phenomenon before fully understanding local economic and political conditions. This is a […]

LBJ School Op-Ed

Barbara Jordan Week 2014: Inclusion and Compromise in Democracy

The 2014 Barbara Jordan Week commences this Monday. Join the LBJ School for a series of exciting events celebrating the legacy of Barbara Jordan. Please note that all events are free and open to the public.   Tuesday, February 18 Raising the Minimum Wage: An Effective Anti-Poverty Policy? Presented by PAACC and the Barbara Jordan […]

Global Policy Studies & International Security LBJ School Multimedia Politics and Governance

Amb. Bolton Presents an Alternative to Pres. Obama’s Foreign Policy

Thursday evening, the LBJ School welcomed former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John R. Bolton for a spirited and comprehensive speech on global policy in Bass Lecture Hall. Ambassador Bolton, who served in senior positions in both Bush Administrations as well as the Reagan Administration, offered a vigorous critique of the Obama Administration’s foreign […]

LBJ School

Nothing Endures But Change

On behalf of the Baines Report, we would like to officially welcome our new leadership: Editor-in-Chief Francoise Van Keuren and Social Media Managing Editor Jesse Tow. Francoise is a first-year Master of Global Policy Studies candidate at the LBJ School interested in economic development, investment policy, and long strolls in Austin’s Greenbelt. She has already […]

Health & Social Policy LBJ School Philanthropy & Non-Profit Organizations

LBJ School Students Help Count Austin’s Homeless Population

While some students spend their Friday nights at bars, a group of LBJ School students recently spent theirs counting homeless people in South Austin. Twelve LBJ students braved the cold weather Friday, Jan. 24th to volunteer for the Ending Community Homelessness Coalition’s (ECHO) annual Point-in-Time (PIT) Count. Students drove, walked, and hiked through South Austin […]

LBJ School

Hutchings Delivers ‘State of the School’ Address

Dean Robert Hutchings met with a group of LBJ School students and faculty on Monday to discuss his vision for how the school can develop and grow over the coming years. Hutchings highlighted several main areas he has focused on during his time as dean: Washington, DC Campus. When Hutchings arrived at the LBJ School, […]

LBJ School Multimedia Politics and Governance

Students React to Obama’s SOTU

The LBJ School’s Barry Goldwater Society and GPAC co-hosted a State of the Union watch party Tuesday night, complete with SOTU bingo. Michael Gaudini and Kaitlin Sharkey captured a few students’ reactions to Obama’s address.

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