Politics and Governance

Learning from History: The Case for Unification of the Democratic Party in the Nomination Race

On Sept. 12, 2019, qualifying Democratic presidential candidates hit the stage in Houston, Texas for the third Democratic debate of the year. The highest polling and highest grossing candidates faced off on hot-button issues such as healthcare, race relations, gun violence, immigration, and trade policy, among others. Running throughout the debate was the question of […]

Politics and Governance

House Bill 10 Reports on Mental Health Parity

“Now that a precedent has been given national media attention, Texans have greater incentive to be more vigilant when it comes to their rights as patients.”

Health & Social Policy Politics and Governance

For Families or Politics? Drug Testing for Welfare Access

In the policy arena, legislators should address the wellbeing of children and families. This is where supporters of these bills fail to employ good policy.

Education Policy Politics and Governance

Changing a system of segregation requires more than single-member districts

Minority underrepresentation on Texas school boards is failing thousands of school children each year, as reported in the Texas Tribune’s investigative reporting on school dis-integration. Districts, such as the Richardson ISD, while representing a significant proportion of students of color, have just one person of color serving on the school board. In January, proponents for […]

Politics and Governance

This Immigrant Muslim Woman Says: Please Don’t Unfriend Your Annoying Republican Uncle

On Nov. 9, 2016, I woke up to a bewildering array of text messages. There were the many friends who, like myself, were utterly shocked that Donald Trump was going to be our next president. There were also the fellow teachers hastily scrapping lesson plans so we could talk about the election with our students. […]

Politics and Governance

Men Without Chests: Reflections on the Death of a Great Hero and the America he Loved

In his book The Abolition of Man, the great British thinker C.S. Lewis contemplates the demise of universal values and moral leadership. From a young age, children are taught that only objective reality is universal, Lewis writes. The dismissal of a common standard of morality results in a society led by individuals with “heads no […]

Global Global Policy Studies & International Security Politics and Governance

Q&A with Bob Schieffer, Legendary American Newsman

Bob Schieffer has covered politics for over half a century, from the White House to the Pentagon to Foggy Bottom and Capitol Hill. The host of CBS’s “Face the Nation” for 24 years, he has interviewed every president since Richard Nixon. Despite the thousands of high-level interviews he’s conducted over this career, he enthusiastically set […]

Health & Social Policy LBJ School Op-Ed Politics and Governance

Conversion Therapy and Texas “Pride”: A Conversation with Garrard Conley

Author Garrard Conley kicked off 2018’s Barbara Jordan Week at the LBJ School by coming to speak at its inaugural event. Conley’s new book, Boy Erased, is an autobiographical account of his experience with gay conversion therapy and his complicated relationship with his parents. Conley discussed the psychological manipulation the conversion “counselors” used, the agony […]

Global Global Policy Studies & International Security Politics and Governance

Recent Quakes in Mexico Echo Similar Nostalgic Political Frustration

Photo of citizen rescuers in 1985 earthquake: United Nations (CC) Recent earthquakes in Mexico City have reinvigorated grassroots organizations’ appeals for municipal transparency and financial accountability. Civilian groups such as Los Topos and Transparencia Mexicana are placing pressure on federal and local officials as affected areas begin rebuilding. Grassroots platforms were similar catalysts for emergency management […]

Global Global Policy Studies & International Security Politics and Governance

The Social Media Era of Political Culture: The Case Study of Iceland

Caption: Icelandic Prime Minister Bjarni Benediktsson baking a cake in an oft-mocked campaign ad. Source: Nútíminn While the United States is still reeling from a 2016 election campaign besmirched by online hatred and international interference, the small island nation of Iceland proves that even countries without raucous political cultures are not immune from the pervasive […]