Education Policy

Democratizing Schools: Restorative Justice in the Face of Zero Tolerance

You might well have heard of public school environments as places of "zero tolerance," authoritarian in nature, and even comparable to jails or correctional facilities in terms of their disciplinary measures. Tardiness results in an entire lesson missed sitting in study hall; disrupting class earns a whole day of detention; rough-housing might lead to suspension, […]


Dialectica Radio: Show Two – Bicycling In Austin

This week on Dialectica: the LBJ Sustainability Working Group provides a prelude for their Bicycle Pub Crawl (10/3) with a discussion on bicycling issues in Austin. Representatives from the Yellow Bike Project and the Orange Bike Project will be on-hand to dissect issues the Statesman refuses to report on. [soundcloud url=”” params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ […]

Politics and Governance

Hillary McCain-Obama

I’d like to put forward a new candidate. Her name is Hillary McCain-Obama, and she is perfect! She has all the credentials needed to be a great president. She is a wonderful legislator, has great military experience and projects a unifying and inspiring presence that mesmerizes not only people here in the United States, but […]

Last Call for Global Policy Special Edition

The deadline is fast approaching… Topic areas under consideration include, but aren’t limited to: Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development; International Law and Security; Poverty Alleviation and Human Development; or any other topic in the international context. SUBMISSIONS ARE DUE BY September 19, 2008 Submissions should be between 2,500 and 5,000 words and contain a cover […]

Technology Policy

American-Style Science and Technology

The U.S. has a lot of failed policies concerning areas such as economics and foreign affairs, but it seems one place they seem to be able to get it right is with science and technology policy. The most apparent reason for this is that the government has a good policy when it comes to making […]

Education Policy Multimedia

Dialectica Radio: Show One – Education In China

Tonight, students from the LBJ School of Public Affairs present the inaugural show of Dialectica, a community program to provide KVRX listeners with in-depth information about policy issues through a compelling, issue-driven narrative. This evening’s program focuses on education in China. We share an exploration of the Chinese educational system, review its historical framework, and […]

Politics and Governance

Bush is No Batman, Unless Batman is Two-Face

The twin towers not rebuilt, bin Laden not brought to justice, Al-Qaeda not destroyed: just a few key failures, among so many, of George W. Bush's presidency. When confronted with such a reality, members of the Bush Administration prefer to stick to a three-word response; "history will judge" has become their ultimate brush off of […]

Global Policy Studies & International Security

On the Anti-Monopoly Law in China

The Anti-Monopoly Law in China took effect on August 1, 2008. After more than a decade of legislation process, it finally won– in a principle sense; none of the 40 complementary measures were carried out except one. It is still an empty law. People doubt what its actual effect will be. The legislation process of […]

Your Journal Needs YOU!

Last spring U.S. News & World Report released their annual rankings of public policy schools and the LBJ School community was dismayed to discover that we had slipped to number fourteen in a tie with ten other schools. We, the senior editors of the LBJ Journal of Public Affairs, believe that the quality of the […]