St. David’s CHPR 20th Annual Conference: Call For Poster Presentations
Conference Title: Health Equity – A Key to Improving Health of Populations
Conference Date: Wednesday, March 2, 2022
Conference Location: Thompson Conference Center
Abstract Submission Timeline: Friday, December 3, 2021 to Monday, January 10, 2022
(Late poster submissions will not be considered. Abstracts that are incomplete will be declined.)
Abstract Template: Download the Poster Presentation Abstract Template (Word)
Submission: Submissions are accepted by email only. Application materials should be emailed to:
Faculty, community members, and graduate and undergraduate students are encouraged to submit abstracts for review. Poster presentations are invited on the conference theme of health behavior change or other topics addressing ANY aspect of health disparities, health promotion, or disease prevention research in underserved populations. Posters may report preliminary results of work in progress. Presenters may submit a poster that has already been presented or will be presented at a national or international conference. Scholarly presentations consistent with the mission of St. David’s CHPR will be selected, and the first author will be notified via email by January 31, 2022.
Please Note: Conference registration will be waived for the first author of invited poster presenters.
Requirements for submission are as follows:
Abstract Submission Instructions:
- Poster Format: One page, single spaced, Times 11-pt, 1” margins, 500 words maximum (Download the Poster Presentation Abstract Template – Word Format)
- Organization: Purpose; Methods; Findings; Conclusions
- Cover Letter: Request to submit, author(s) name, credentials, affiliation, address, phone, email, indication of desire to be considered for Student Poster Award (and whether as Undergraduate or Graduate student), where previously presented (if appropriate) and a permission to publish statement as follows:
- If selected, I agree to present a poster at the St. David’s CHPR Conference on March 2, 2022. I give permission for the abstract and a photo of the poster to be used for distribution in all forms of media [print, electronic, website, video].
- First Author: First author can be selected only once; first author will be contact person.
- Format: Maximum size to fit a poster display board space 44 in. (H) by 68 in. (W); tacks will be provided
- Handouts are optional and must be provided by the author (25 copies suggested)
Poster Printing Services:
As a convenience, the School of Nursing has poster printing services.
- Click here to download the UT Austin School of Nursing branded templates (PPTX format). The templates are available, but not required. The posters will be printed 60 inch x 44 inch, but the template is smaller. The file is scaled up to print.
- You may submit your poster in PowerPoint and ideally a PDF as well via email to Please submit your files a 5 business days before the conference or sooner.
- We have an online payment system for poster printing. The cost for printing is $80. Click here to make payment.
Please reach out to if you have any other questions or concerns about poster printing.
Student Poster Award Opportunities
The St. David’s CHPR will award $300 for the top student poster, $150 for runner-up in both categories (undergraduate poster award; graduate poster award). Eligibility for poster awards and awarding criteria are described below.
Eligibility for Student Poster Awards:
- Student must be first author on poster;
- Student author must present their research at the St. David’s CHPR conference; &
- The poster must reflect the student’s research question and not the work of their advisor.
Posters will be judged on the following (60 points maximum):
- Identified Health Problem, Methods, and Approach (16 points: related to health promotion/disease prevention; clear approach, appropriate to answer research question),
- Results (12 points: appropriate analysis, clear, accurate findings),
- Conclusions and Implications (12 points: consistent with results, implications for practice, for future research),
- Poster Format Presentation (12 points: readability, visual impact, logical organization), and
- Student Presentation (8 points: responds to interviewer questions about study).
Poster Award Winners will be notified during the opening “welcome” of the conference to end of the poster session (12:30pm) at the conference – March 2, 2022.
Submission: Submissions are accepted by email only. Application materials should be emailed to
Questions: Call us at (512) 471–9910 or email us at