The following presentations have resulted from the St. David’s CHPR endowment support:
- Yang, L. (2023, April). “Supporting Chinese Immigrant Women with Intimate Partner Violence: Lessons Learned from a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial”, the 44th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Phoenix, AZ.
- Asghar, S., Nydegger, L.A., Ortiz, B., & Claborn, K. (2021, October 24 – 27). A qualitative exploration of intimate partner violence, sexual assault, and “blaming the victim”: The role of victim blaming, self-blame, and resulting health outcomes among low income women of color. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.
- Benitez, S., & Nydegger, L.A. (2021, October 24 – 27). The effect of medical mistrust on Black women’s attitudes toward PrEP to prevent HIV infection. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.
- Benton, E., Bhasin, R., & Nydegger, L.A. (2021, October 24 – 27). Identifying relational warning signs of IPV: A longitudinal qualitative study of Black and Latinx women at risk for HIV. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.
- Ghaly, M., Stubbs, S., Paralkar, T., Raghavan, A., Chen, C., Shabbir, S., Nitsch, A., Osier, N. (2021, April). An Interactive Flowchart Guiding Pediatric TBI Severity Classification For Participants With GCS Scores Between 12-15. Virtual Poster Presentation at Annual Interprofessional Health Showcase. Dell Medical School.
- Ghani, M., Sandoval, A., Paralkar, T., Ahmed, S.H., Stubbs, S., Jinnah, R., Osier, N. (2021, April). Concordance Levels in Pediatric and Parent Proxy Responses. Virtual Poster Presentation at Longhorn Research Week.
- Gupta, R., Kim, Y., Wood, B., & Cubbin, C. (2021, October). The Neighborhood Birth Gap: Examining the Relationship between Neighborhood Racial Diversity and Preterm Birth. Poster at the annual meeting of the Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science, Baltimore, MD.
- McDaniel, G., Akinwunmi, S., Brenya, V., Kidane, H., & Nydegger, L.A. (October 24 – 27, 2021). The Superwomen Schema: Uncovering repercussions of coping strategies used among Black women. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.
- Paralkar, T., Lay, P., Stubbs, S., Ahmed, S.H., Ghani, M., Osier, N. (2021, April). Evaluating Traumatic Brain Injury Occurrence Patterns Within The Emergency Department and Internal Screening Process Efficacy: A Retrospective Analysis in the Context of COVID-19. Virtual Poster Presentation at Longhorn Research Week.
- Phillips, F., Jones, B., Kvale, E. (2021, January). Symposium: Studying the Lived Experience of Transitioning to Adulthood in the Context of Cancer: Embodied Research in Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology. Wonders & Worries Advanced Cancer. 25th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR).
- Phillips, F., Lemieux, N., Kvale, E. (2021, March). Wonders & Worries Advanced Cancer: A Psychosocial Intervention for Families Coping with an Advanced Cancer Diagnosis. 18th Annual American Psychosocial Oncology Society Virtual Conference (APOS). (Awarded Best of the Best Poster)
- Phung, C., Yuan, M., Thomas, Q., Lu, Y., & Nydegger, L.A. (2021, October 24 – 27). A qualitative exploration of unintended pregnancies and risks among Black and Latinx women in Travis County, Texas. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.
- Timmerman, G.M., Temple, H.L. & Jefferson, F.A. (2021, March). Pilot Study: Mindful Drinking/Eating Intervention for Hemodialysis Patients with Fluid Restrictions. Poster Presentation. National Kidney Foundation Spring Clinical Meetings 2021, Virtual.
- Wright, M.L., Lim, S., & Wylie, D. (2021, November). Comparison of DNA extraction kits for microbiome whole-genome shotgun sequencing analysis. Poster Presentation. International Society of Nurses in Genetics 2021 World Congress. Virtual.
- George-Jones, J.L., Esperanza, C., Alvarado, C., & Rodriguez, E.M. (2020, November) Feasibility and Acceptability of an Asthma Coping Skills Intervention for Low-SES Latino Families. Poster presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Virtual Conference.
- Henneghan, A. (2020, May). A Randomized Control Trial of Meditation Versus Music Listening to Improve Cognitive Function for Breast Cancer Survivors: A Pilot Study. NINR Center Directors Meeting. Poster Presentation. Washington, D.C.
- Henneghan, A. (2020, October). Changes Among psychoneurological symptoms after cancer. American Academy of Nursing Academy’s 2020 Transforming Health Driving Policy Conference. Poster Presentation. Washington, D.C.
- Jinnah, R., Ahmed, S.H., Paralkar, T., Lay, P., Ghani, M., Stubbs, S., Osier, N. (2020, November). Impact of a Pandemic on Clinical Recruitment Into a Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury Biobank. Virtual Poster Presentation at International Society of Nurses in Genetics.
- Kidane, H., Nydegger, L.A., & Claborn, K. (2020, February 26). “It’s not about me, it’s about my kids”: Strength-based PrEP interventions for Black and Latina mothers [Poster presentation]. St. David’s Center for Health Promotion & Disease Prevention Research in Underserved Populations Conference, Austin, TX.
- Kidane, H., Nydegger, L.A., & Claborn, K. (2020, April 1). “It’s not about me, it’s about my kids”: Strength-based PrEP interventions for Black and Latina mothers [Paper presentation]. Texas Public Health Association Annual Education Conference, Dallas, TX (Conference cancelled due to COVID-19).
- Nydegger, L.A., *Kidane, H., *Zia, S., *Benitez, S., *Thomas, Q., & Claborn, K. (2020, March 31). A qualitative exploration of intimate partner violence, sexual assault, and “blaming the victim”: The role of social support and resources among low-income women of color [Paper presentation]. Texas Public Health Association Annual Education Conference, Dallas, TX (Conference cancelled due to COVID-19).
- Nydegger, L.A., & Claborn, K. (2020, March 6). HIV/STI risk among women of color who experience health disparities [Poster presentation]. CommUnityCare All-Providers Conference, Austin, TX.
- Nydegger, L.A., & Claborn, K. (February 26, 2020). PrEP interest & adoption among Black & Latina women in Central Texas [Poster presentation]. St. David’s Center for Health Promotion & Disease Prevention Research in Underserved Populations Conference, Austin, TX.
- Nydegger, L.A., & Claborn, K.R. (2020, April 7). Health promotion and education needs to overcome syndemic & structural barriers to HIV prevention among Black & Latina mothers in Central Texas [Poster presentation]. Society for Public Health Education Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.
- Nydegger, L.A., & Claborn, K.R. (2020, March 15). Factors that contribute to and sustain substandard housing and homelessness among Black & Latinx mothers: A qualitative exploration [Paper presentation]. Power at the Margins II: Mobilizing Across Housing Injustice Conference, Berkeley, CA (Conference cancelled due to COVID-19).
- Ortiz, B., & Nydegger, L.A. (April 26-27, 2020). Sexual coercion and interpersonal violence among women of color [Poster presentation]. Bridging Disciplines Virtual Poster Session, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX.
- Phillps, F., Bladazo, S., Kvale, E. (2020, March) Wonders & Worries: A Psychosocial Intervention for Families with a Parent with Advanced Cancer. Annual Assembly of Hospice and Palliative Care. San Diego, CA.
- Phillps, F., Bladazo, S., Kvale, E. (2020, February) Wonders & Worries: A Psychosocial Intervention for Families with a Parent with Advanced Cancer. St. David’s CHPR conference, Context Matters: Addressing Social Determinants of Health. Austin, TX.
- Phillips, F., Wilkins, C., Fryar, K., Cooper, M. (May, 2020) Unmasking the Evidence: An EBP Intervention For Children Who Have A Parent With Cancer. Association of Child Life Professionals. San Antonio, TX.
- Timmerman, G.M., Temple, H.L. & Jefferson, F.A. (2020, March). A Brief Mindful Drinking/Eating Intervention for Patients on Hemodialysis. Poster Presentation. 2020 National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
- Valdez, A., Thomas, Q., Brenya, V., & Nydegger, L.A. (May 1, 2020). Exploring generational abuse with different forms of support among Black and Latina women in Travis County, Texas [Poster presentation]. UT Center for Health Interprofessional Health Showcase, Austin, TX.
- Zia, S., Benitez, S., & Nydegger, L.A. (April 16-17, 2020). Community support and HIV prevention among Black and Latina women in Travis County, Texas [Poster presentation]. Longhorn Research Poster Session, School of Undergraduate Studies, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX.
- Zia, S., Benitez, S., Nydegger, L.A., & Claborn, K. (March 31, 2020). Community support, resilience, and HIV prevention among Black and Latina women in Travis County, Texas [Paper presentation]. Texas Public Health Association Annual Education Conference, Dallas, TX (Conference cancelled due to COVID-19).
- Brooks, S., Lewis, K., Osier, N., Chiou, J., Carter, P., Carrasco, R., Tiziani, S., Orrock, J., & Garcia, A. Best Practices for Recruitment of Teens for a Biobehavioral Case-Control Study. (2019, April). Poster presented at Longhorn Research Week Poster Session. Austin, Texas.
- George-Jones, J.L., Alba-Suarez, J., Lehning, E., Davidson, S., Gulbas, L.E., & Rodriguez, E.M. (August, 2019). Stress and Coping with Asthma in Low-SES Latinx Children. Poster to be presented at the American Psychological Association (APA) Convention, Chicago, Illinois.
- Henneghan, A. (2019, May). Improving Brain Function After Breast Cancer (Brain-ABC) Study: A Pilot Study. NINR Center Directors Meeting. Poster Presentation. Washington D.C. May 7, 2019.
- Henneghan, A. & Becker, H. (2019, November). Improving cognitive and psychosocial symptoms and social functioning in breast cancer survivors”. American Congress of Rehabilitation Science Annual Conference. Chicago, IL.
- Magno, G. & Osier, N. (2019, April). Investigating Disparities Between Mothers & Fathers Enrolling Children Into a Pediatric Injury Biobank. Poster presented at Longhorn Research Week Poster Session. Austin, Texas.
- Magno, G. & Osier, N. (2019, February). Investigating Disparities Between Mothers & Fathers Enrolling Children into a Pediatric Injury Biobank. Poster presented at St. David’s CHPR Conference, Austin, Texas.
- £Nguyen, A. & Osier, N. (2019, February). Evaluating the Enrollment Success of Pediatric Brain Injury Patients. Poster presented at St. David’s CHPR Conference, Austin, Texas.
- Nydegger, L.A., & Claborn, K.R. (2019, October 3). Structural Factors, Syndemic Factors, and Social Services as Barriers to HIV Prevention among Women of Color: A Longitudinal Qualitative Exploration. Paper to be presented at the Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.
- Nydegger, L.A., & Claborn, K.R. (2019, November). Housing instability among Black and Latina women in Central Texas. Poster to be presented at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
- Nydegger, L.A., & Claborn, K.R. (2019, November). Exploring the syndemics of IPV, housing, and HIV risk among minority mothers in Central Texas. Poster to be presented at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
- Osier, N., Palepu, S. & Nitsch, A. (2019, April). Student-led, participant-focused consenting approach overcomes research barriers in serving underrepresented populations. Interprofessional Health Showcase at The University of Texas at Austin. Austin, Texas.
- Osier, N., Snow, B., Slote C., Zhang, C., & Nguyen, M. (2019, February). Application of AACN Healthy Work Environment Standards to Launch a Clinical Research Partnership. Podium presentation at Creating Healthy Work Environments 2019. New Orleans, LA.
- Palepu, S. & Osier, N. Flat Organization Structure Creates an Inclusive Team that Produces Inclusive Results. (2019, April). Poster presented at 6th Annual Cultural Inclusion Institute: Promoting Health & Wellbeing Through Social Justice & Cultural Inclusivity Conference. San Antonio, Texas, USA.
- Cubbin C, Kim Y, Vohra-Gupta S. (2018, October). Neighborhood economic historical change and racial disparities in birth outcomes: A case study of Texas, Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science, Washington, DC.
- Gupta R, Panisch L, Kim Y, Vohra-Gupta S, Cubbin C. (2018, October). Longitudinal neighborhood poverty trajectories and racial/ethnic compositions in Texas, Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science, Washington.
- Osier, N., Osborne, A., Slote, C., Pelapu, S., Athukuri, P., McGreevy, E., Garcia, J. (2018, October). Method to the Madness: Advice for Setting Up a Molecular-Genomics Laboratory. Poster presentation at International Society for Nurses in Genetics. Orlando, Florida.
- Pavia, T. and Pounders, K.(2018). “The Role of Gender in Decision-Making for Young Women Facing Death.” Accepted at the Annual Macromarketing Conference(Leipzig, Germany).
- Vohra-Gupta S, Cubbin C, Kim Y. (2018, October). Adverse birth outcomes: using a critical race framework to analyze policies in long-term high poverty neighborhoods, Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science, Washington, DC.
- Zuñiga, J.A., Wolfe, A., Harrison, M., Garcia A.A. (2018, March). Differences in Adiposity Patterns between HIV Positive Individuals with and without Diabetes. Southern Nursing Research Society Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.
- Zuñiga, J.A., Harrison, M., Rock, J., Garcia, A. (2018, September). Biomarkers, Symptoms, and the Comorbidity of HIV and Diabetes. Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science Annual Conference, Washington D. C.
- Wolfe, A., Zuñiga, J.A., Harrison, M. (2018, May). Coagulation Activation Pathways may be altered in individuals’ comorbid with HIV and Type 2 diabetes. Medicine & Sport Annual Conference, Austin, Texas.
- Becker, H. (2017, April) “When do I get my brain back?” Addressing Cognitive Problems of Cancer Survivors, Invited Presentation at the 25th Annual Oncology Teaching Day: Th eSynergy and Symphony of Survivorship in Oncology Care, sponsored by United Health Services, Owega, New York.
- Horner, S.D., Timmerman, G., & McWilliams, B. (2017, February). “Feasibility study of lifestyle health promotion intervention for school-aged children who have asthma.” Poster presentation at the Southern Nursing Research Society conference in Dallas, TX. February 22-24, 2017.
- Lehrer, H.M., Dubois, S.K., & Steinhardt, M.A.Racial/ethnic differences in the relationship between hair cortisol and the Metabolic Syndrome. 75th Annual Meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society. March 2017. Seville, Spain.
- Pounders, K. and Mason, M. (2017, July). Embodiment, illness, and gender: the intersected and disrupted identities of young women with breast cancer,” Will be presented at the Consumer Culture Theory Conference (Anaheim, CA).
- Pounders, K. “(2017, April). Understanding Identity Issues Among Female AYAs with Breast Cancer. Will be presented at the Center for Health Communications lunchtime talk.
- Radhakrishnan, K., Van Scoy, L.J., Saxena, S., Jillapalli, R., Kim, M. (2017, February). Community-based game intervention to improve South Asian Indians’ engagement with advanced care planning: A pilot feasibility study. Poster/podium presentation at the 2017 Annual Southern Nursing Research Society (SNRS) conference in Dallas, TX.
- Walker, L., Mackert, M., Vaughan, M., Sterling, B., Hendrickson, S., Guy, S., & Ahn, J. (2017, March).New Moms’ Use of New Media for Health Information and Support. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Diego.
- Becker, H. (2016, September). Invited panelist, 2nd Metastatic Breast Cancer in the Workplace Symposium, sponsored by the Susan G. Komen Foundation, Austin, Texas.
- Horner, S.D. (2016, March). “Incorporating biological and behavioral measures in nursing studies to address health problems.” Podium presentation at the 2016 National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists Conference, in Philadelphia, PA.
- Jang, Y. (2016, June). Limited English Proficiency: Implications for Older Immigrants’ Health and Healthcare. Poster Presentation at the 2016 Joint World Conference on Social Work Education and Social Development, Seoul, Korea.
- Lehrer, H.M., Dubois, S.K., Maslowsky, J., Laudenslager, M.L., & Steinhardt, M.A. Cortisol in hair predicts type 2 diabetes status in African-American adults. Presentation presented at the 74th Annual Meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, Denver, CO, March 2016.
- Walker, L.O., Murphey, C., & Xie,B. (2016, March).Postpartum Behavioral and Psychosocial Healthcare: Missed Opportunities and Acceptability of Screening. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC.
- Brown, S.A., Garcia, A.A., Steinhardt, M.A., Guevara, H. Moore, C., Brown, A. & Winter, M.A. (2015, April). Adapting a culturally-tailored diabetes self-management intervention for Hispanics in the workplace: Phase I, focus groups. Society of Behavioral Medicine 36th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions, San Antonio TX.
- Brown, S.A., García, A.A., Steinhardt, M.A., Guevara, H., Moore, C., Brown, A., & Winter, M.A. (2015, September).Adapting a Culturally-Tailored Diabetes Self-Management Intervention for Hispanics in the Workplace: Focus Group Recommendations. Annual Meeting of Texas State Association of Occupational Health Nurses.
- Ford, K.H., Kahlor, L., Liang, M., Yu, S., Dean, T. & Tijerina, C. (2015, February). Faults in the environment: Contextual predictors of little cigar/cigarillo (LCC) use and alteration. Poster presentation at the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
- Horner, S.D. “Is body weight a critical factor in childhood asthma?” (2015, February). Poster presentation at the Southern Nursing Research Society conference in Tampa, FL.
- Horner, S.D., Timmerman, G., Tyler, D., & McWilliams, B. (2015, February). “Using motivational interviewing and goal setting to promote health in school-aged children who have asthma.” Poster presentation at the Southern Nursing Research Society conference in Tampa, FL.
- Horner, S.D., Timmerman, G., Tyler, D., McWilliams, B. (2015, May). “A healthy lifestyle & asthma self-management intervention for school-aged children.” Podium presentation at the 2015 Texas Clinical Nurse Specialists Conference, in Austin, TX.
- Jang, Y., Park, N. S., Chiriboga, D. A., Yoon, H., & Kim, M. T. (2015). Risk factors for social isolation in older Korean Americans. Paper Presentation at the 2015 Seoul International Social Work Conference, Seoul, South Korea.
- Lehrer, H.M., Steinhardt, M.A., & Ripperger-Suhler, K.DHEA in hair predicts type 2 prediabetes and diabetes status in African-American adults. Poster Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine. April, 2015. San Antonio, TX.
- Liang, M.C., Kahlor, L.A. & Ford, K.H. (2015, November). Exploring contextual predictors of poly-use of tobacco products among African American young adults. Presentation scheduled for 2015 American Public Health Association annual meeting in Chicago, IL.
- Tovar, M. & Rew, D.L. (2015, April). The relationship of adolescents’ health-promoting behaviors and social connectedness with family communication and family satisfaction. Poster presentation at UT-Austin McCombs School of Business Annual Innovation in Health Care Delivery Systems Symposium, Austin, TX.
- Walker, L.O., Xie, B., Sterling, B. & Hendrickson, S. (2015, April). Behavioral and psychosocial risks after pregnancy: Associations with postpartum health status. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Antonio, TX.
- Becker, H. & Henneghan, A. (2014, April).Spinning tires: Exploring cancer survivors’ perceptions of chemobrain. Poster presented at 4th Annual Cowtown Oncology Symposium, Fort Worth, Texas. Poster previously presented at the annual Southern Nursing Research Society conference, February 2014, in San Antonio, Texas.
- Harrison, T., Walker, J. & Delville, C. (November 2014). Activity effort and stress in women with mobility disability. Poster presentation at The Gerontological Society of America’s 67th Annual Scientific Meeting, Washington, D.C.
- Jang, Y., Yoon, H., & Kim, M. (2014, April). Dental Care Utilization and Unmet Need in Older Korean Americans. Paper Presentation at the 5th Annual Innovation in Healthcare Delivery Systems Symposium, UT McCombs School of Business, Austin, TX.
- Jang, Y., Yoon, H., An, S., & Kim, M. T. (2014, November). The Vulnerability of Older Ethnic Immigrants with Limited English Proficiency. Poster Presentation at the Gerontological Society of America’s 67th Annual Scientific Meeting, Washington, DC.
- Jang, Y., Yoon, H., Park, N. S., Chiriboga, D. A., & Kim, M. T. (2014, November). Dental Care Utilization and Unmet Dental Needs in Older Korean Americans. Paper Presentation at the Gerontological Society of America’s 67th Annual Scientific Meeting, Washington, DC.
- Kintner, E. K., Echavarría, M., & Guillet, N., (2014, March)Translation of a Spanish-English bilingual academic health education program for older school-age students with asthma.Poster accepted for presentation at the Midwest Nursing Research Society 38th Annual Research Conference, St. Louis, MO.
- Kintner, E.K., Echavarría, M. & Guillet, N. (2014, April).Delivery of a Spanish-English bilingual academic health education program for older school-age students with asthma. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the St. David’s Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research in Underserved Populations, Austin, TX.
- Manning, A., & Horner, S.D. (2014, April).Exploring healthy living and asthma quality of life. Poster presentation at the 2014 St. David’s CHPR conference, Austin, Texas.
- Ogunsanya ME, Brown CM, Odedina FT, Barner JC, Corbell B, Adedipe T. (2014, November).Current engagement in prostate cancer risk-reduction behaviors among Black males less than 40 years old. 2014 Biennial Science of Global Prostate Cancer Disparities In Black Men Conference, Montego Bay, Jamaica.
- Ogunsanya, M.E., Brown, C.M., Odedina, F.T., Barner, J.C., Corbell, B., Adedipe, T. (2014, December). Intentions to screen for prostate cancer – A cross-sectional survey of Black men less than 40 years old. 2014 National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) Grantees’ Conference, National Harbor, MD.
- Stuifbergen, A., Becker, H., Schnyer, R., Kullberg, V., Morrison, J., Wommack, J. & Henneghan, A. (2014, May).Feasibility of combining group acupuncture with a wellness intervention for women with MS. Presentation at the international annual meeting of the Consortium of MS Centers, Dallas, Texas.
- Yoon, H., Jang, Y., & Xie, B. (2014, November). Computer use and computer anxiety in older Korean Americans. Poster Presentation at the Gerontological Society of America’s 67th Annual Scientific Meeting, Washington, DC.
- An, S., Choi, N. G. (2013, November, Juried).Qualitative feedback from older-adult participants in “Better Choices, Better Health.” Presented at the 66th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans, LA.
- Choi, N. (2013, April.) “Introduction to “Better Choices, Better Health.” Invited presentation for the members of the City of Austin Integrated Care Collaboration (members of the City of Austin Health Department, federally qualified health care centers, and aging services council).
- Choi, N. (2013, May). “A feasibility Study and outcomes of “Better Choices, Better Health.” Invited presentation for the members of the Williamson/Travis County Integrated Care Collaboration Services Committee (members of County Health Department, federally qualified health care centers, and aging services council).
- Choi, N. (2013, November). “Low-income homebound older adults’ participation in an online disease self-management program,” at The Gerontological Society of America’s 66th Annual Scientific Meeting, New Orleans, LA from November 20-24, 2013.
- Choi, N. G. & An, S. (2013, November, Juried).Low-income homebound older adults’ participation in an online disease self-management program. Presented at the 66th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans, LA.
- Yeh, T., Watkins, I., Alharbi, K., Xie, B., Gao, J., Salamah, A., & Tseng, J. (2013, November).Improving eHealth tutorials for older adults through participatory design: Pilot testing the Online Tutorial Overlay Presenter (OnTOP) 2.0. Presented at the Gerontological Society of America’s 66th Annual Scientific Meeting. New Orleans, LA.