Dr. Yang Li is an assistant professor at the University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) School of Nursing. She received her PhD in Nursing from the University of Michigan and her MSN and BSN from the Shandong University in China. Before joining the faculty at UT Austin, she had her postdoctoral training at the University of Missouri Sinclair School of Nursing. Dr. Li’s research is focused on the effects of lifetime trauma (i.e., adverse childhood experiences, intimate partner violence [IPV]) on women’s health and its potential biological pathways (e.g., allostatic load). Recently, she has completed a project with Chinese immigrant women to quantitatively investigate the prevalence, risk factors, and mental health consequences of IPV and qualitatively explore their IPV experiences, help-seeking behaviors, and special needs for support. Findings from this study provided evidence for her current research project on pilot testing an empowerment-based intervention for abused Chinese immigrant women living in the US to reduce further victimization and the mental health effects of IPV.