Elizabeth Heitkemper is an Assistant Professor at the University of Texas at Austin, School of Nursing. She did her PhD at Columbia University School of Nursing and completed a postdoctoral position at the Department of Biomedical Informatics at Columbia University. Her research focuses on developing personalized interventions to address health… read more
News & Events
St. David’s CHPR Colloquia: Using Serious Games for Heart Failure Self-Management – October 2, 2020
Dr. Kavita Radhakrishnan received her PhD in Nursing Science in 2011 from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She holds a Master’s and bachelor’s degrees in Electronics and Electrical Engineering. She completed a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania New Courtland Center for Transitions and Aging. Dr. Radhakrishnan’s research applies… read more
St. David’s CHPR Colloquia: COVID impact/adaptations for persons with HIV+ – September 25, 2020
Dr. Julie Zuniga is an assistant professor. Her research interest includes self-management of stigmatized illnesses in conjunction with co-morbid conditions, with a focus on HIV and diabetes. Dr. Zuniga received her doctorate in nursing at The University of Texas at Austin and completed her post-doctoral fellowship at Emory University in… read more