Date: February 9, 2018 Time: 12-1 PM Location: NUR 4.180 | School of Nursing | 1710 Red River St., Austin, Texas Speaker: Molly Bray, PhD, Department Chair & Professor, Department of Nutritional Sciences, College of Natural Sciences Contact: Call us at (512) 471-9910 or email us at
News & Events
Winners of Student Poster Awards 2017
Graduate Student Poster Award Winners Whitney Thurman Title: Does Functional Ability or Health Vary by Geographic Location Among Middle-Aged Women With Mobility Limitations? Faculty Sponsor: Tracie Harrison Yen Chen Title: The Roles of Subjective Age and Cognitive Abilities in Middle-Aged and Older Women’s Physical Activity and Cognition Faculty Sponsor: Carole… read more
Winners of Student Poster Awards 2016
Graduate Student Poster Award Winners Whitney Thurman Title: Relationship Between Parental Incarceration and Mental Health of Alternative High School Students Faculty Sponsor: Tracie Harrison Jason Yediares Title: HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis and Young Gay/Bisexual Men: An Integrated Scoping Literature Review Faculty Sponsor: Julie Zuniga Undergraduate Student Poster Award Winners Kate Galloway… read more