Dr. Monica Faulkner is a research associate professor at the Steve Hicks School of Social Work and the director and co-founder of the Texas Institute for Child & Family Wellbeing. She holds bachelor degrees in government and social work from The University of Texas at Austin and a Master of Social… read more
St. David's CHPR Colloquium Series
St. David’s CHPR Colloquia Series: “Patient-Generated Data: Implications for Precision Behavioral Nutrition” – Sept. 20, 2019
Dr. Marissa Burgermaster is an assistant professor of population health at Dell Medical School and an assistant professor of nutritional sciences at UT’s College of Natural Sciences. Her research applies data science and human-computer interaction methods to improve nutrition and community health. Prior to joining UT, Burgermaster completed a postdoctoral… read more
St. David’s CHPR Colloquium Series: The Promise and Limits of Technology to Promote Successful Longevity – April 5, 2019
Dr. Neil Charness is William G. Chase Professor of Psychology, Director of the Institute for Successful Longevity and Associate Director of the University Transportation Center (Accessibility and Safety for an Aging Population) at Florida State University. His current research focuses on human factors approaches to age and technology use, interventions… read more
St. David’s CHPR Colloquium Series: Feasibility of a GPS-mHealth Intervention in Individuals Experiencing Homelessness – March 29, 2019
Dr. Moczygemba is an Associate Professor in the Health Outcomes and Pharmacy Practice Division at The University of Texas College of Pharmacy. Her research program focuses on working with communities and health-systems to mitigate health disparities by developing patient-centered interventions to optimize medication-related health outcomes along the continuum of care.… read more