Dr. Lynn Rew, EdD, RN, AHN-BC, FAAN, is the Denton & Louise Cooley and Family Centennial Professor in Parent-Child Nursing for the School of Nursing. Her scholarship focuses on sexual health and health behaviors of adolescents. She is currently funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD/NIH) for… read more
Call for Letters of Interest to Submit a 2022 Pilot Research Grant Proposal – Deadline: September 20, 2021, 12 noon
The St. David’s Center for Health Promotion & Disease Prevention Research in Underserved Populations (St. David’s CHPR) provides pilot seed-monies to full-time faculty and research scientists to conduct small projects deemed necessary to move their programs of research forward. These projects are designed to facilitate interdisciplinary and collaborative research that… read more
St. David’s CHPR Colloquia: Strategies for Conducting Remote Research: Lessons Learned – April 30, 2021
St. David’s CHPR Colloquia: Practical Strategies to Sustain a Longitudinal Study – April 9, 2021
Dean Stuifbergen has been involved in research related to health promotion and self-management for persons with chronic and disabling conditions (multiple sclerosis, post-polio syndrome, and fibromyalgia) for more than 30 years. Her center grants, intervention and longitudinal research have been funded for over $11.8 million by the National Institute of… read more