CLAVIS is very pleased join the department of Mexican American and Latina/o Studies in sponsoring a talk by Angel Lartigue:
I used to be a boy, then I discovered putrefaction
an artist talk by Angel Lartigue
April 26, 3:30-4:45pm
GWB 2.206
Light refreshments served
Virtual option available, see here for webinar info
Artist bio:
Angel Lartigue is a curatorial and artistic researcher born and raised in Houston Texas. Lartigue’s work explores the relationship between the body and land through the use of “putrefaction” matter as raw material. This concentration has led her to experimenting with archaeological processes of decomposition into artworks, incorporating fungi, insects, and even odors captured during fieldwork, including research training in human remains recovery at Texas’ Forensic Anthropology Center’s “body farm” in 2018.