Assistant Professor, Art History, Boston University
“In Pursuit of a Subaltern Modernism: The Life and Work of John Dunkley” (Suerpvisor: Eddie Chambers)
Curatorial Assistant, Department of Prints and Drawings, Museum of Modern Art, New York
“Working Around: Lea Lublin, Marie Orensanz, Mirtha Dirmisache, Margarita Paksa and the Active Spectator, 1968-1983” (Supervisor: George Flaherty)
Curatorial Assistant, Department of Prints and Drawings, Museum of Modern Art, New York
“Waste/land/scape: Regina Vater, Cecilia Vicuña, and the Aesthetics of Garbage” (Supervisor: Adele Nelson)
Graduate Program Assistant, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Northwestern University
“The Species of Subversion: Three Paintings by Cecilia Vicuña” (Co-supervisors: Adele Nelson and George Flaherty)
JD Student, Stanford University Law School
Thesis: “Altered Space: On the Altar-Installation Works of Patssi Valdez, 1990-1996” (Supervisor: George Flaherty)
María Emilia Fernández Nadurille, MA
Independent Scholar and Curator & Archive Coordinator, Kurimanzutto, Mexico City
Thesis: “Reimagined Family Ties: Redressing Memory through Photography in the Work of Castiel Vitorino Brasileiro, Aline Motta and Juliana dos Santos” (Supervisor: Adele Nelson)
Artist Liaison, Tina Kim Gallery
Thesis: “The Brown Project: rafa esparza: Adobe, Land, and Body” (Supervisor: George Flaherty)
Assistant Curator and Communications Coordinator, Chinati Foundation
Thesis: “Embracing the (un) Desired: Disability, Environment, and Citizenship in Laura Aguilar’s Photographs” (Supervisor: George Flaherty)
Alexandra Mendez, MA
Independent Researcher and Writer, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Thesis: “‘Sketches of Resistance and Liberation’: Juan Carlos Alom’s Periodo Especial, Havana Solo, and the Imaginary of the Special Period” (Supervisor: George Flaherty)
Independent Curator & Faculty, Graduate Program in Art History, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City
Dissertation: “Built Over Volcanic Lands: Architecture in El Pedregal 1943-1952″ (Co-Supervisors: George Flaherty and Andrea Giunta)
Visiting Assistant Professor, Art History, Barnard College, New York
Dissertation: “Ready-made Subjects: Non-object Art, Migration, and Democratic Transition in Peru, 1979-1981” (Co-Supervisors: George Flaherty and Andrea Giunta)
Director, Pitzer College Art Galleries
Thesis: “Tracing Cultural Memory in the Work of Adriana Corral” (Supervisor: George Flaherty)
Curatorial Assistant, Department of Painting and Sculpture, Museum of Modern Art, New York
Thesis: “Archival Practice and the Art of Roser Bru: Processes of History and Memory in 1970s Chile” (Supervisor: George Flaherty)
Training and Reports Specialist, Gallery Systems
Thesis: “The Public Poetics of Celia Alvarez Muñoz” (Supervisor: George Flaherty)
Curatorial Assistant, Department of Media and Performance, Museum of Modern Art, New York
Thesis: (Co-Supervisors: Eddie Chambers and Cherise Smith)
Assistant Professor, Art History, Stanford University
Dissertation: “The Visual Art Legacy of the 1992 Los Angeles Riots” (Supervisor: Cherise Smith)
Associate Professor, Art History, Williams College
Dissertation: “The São Paulo Neo-Avant-Garde. Art, Collaboration, and Print Media, 1970-1985” (Co-supervisors George Flaherty and Andrea Giunta)
PhD Student, University of Maryland at College Park & Lecturer of Art History, Catholic Museum of America
Thesis: “Decentering Revolutionary Visions: The Politics and Poetics of Representation in Nicolás Guillén Landrián’s Coffea Arabiga” (Supervisor: George Flaherty)
Associate Professor, Art History, University of Notre Dame
Dissertation: “Latino Print Cultures in the U.S., 1970-2008” (Supervisor: Cherise Smith)
Professor-Researcher, Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City
Dissertation: “Uncontainable Zapata: Iconicity, Religiosity, and Visual Diaspora” (Supervisor: George Flaherty)
Professor, Art History, Universidad Alberto Hurtado and Director, Fundación Cultural CEdA, Santiago, Chile
Dissertation: “Small Town, Incredible Hell: Visual Arts, Advertising and Mass Media in the Early Democratic Transition in Chile, 1988-1994” (Co-Supervisors: George Flaherty and Andrea Giunta)
Dissertation: “Reframing Latin America: Curatorial Practice and Latin American Art since 1992” (Co-Supervisors: Eddie Chambers and Andrea Giunta)
Content Program Manager, Hogarth Worldwide
Dissertation: “Adventures on Paper and in Travesía: The School of Valparaíso Visualizes America, 1965-1984″ (Co-Supervisors: Ann Reynolds and Andrea Giunta)
Cynthia Francica, PhD, Comparative Literature
Associate Professor, Literature, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Santiago, Chile
Dissertation: “Distant Intimacies: Queer Literature and the Visual in the U.S. and Argentina” (Co-Supervisors: Ann Cvetkovich and Andrea Giunta)
Senior Curator, International Art, Tate Modern, London
Dissertation: “Pan-American Dreams : Art, Politics, and Museum-making at the OAS, 1948-1976” (Supervisor: Andrea Giunta)
Associate User Experience Designer, ModMed & MS Candidate, Human Factors in Information Design, McCallum School of Business, Bentley University
Thesis: “Los muros nos hablan: Graffiti in Valparaíso, Chile” (Supervisor: Andrea Giunta)
Curator, Casas Riegner Gallery, Bogotá
Thesis: “A Revision of Antonio Caro’s Formative Period, 1970-1976” (Supervisor: Andrea Giunta)