Lynda Klich, Associate Professor of Art History, Hunter College, City University of New York
Public Lecture: “Wrought Lessons: Woodcarving and the Neocolonial in Mexico”

María Elena Ortiz, Curator, Museum of Modern Art of Forth Worth
Public Lecture: “Surrealism and Us: Caribbean and African Diasporic Artists since 1940”
Co-sponsored by the Archiving Black América initiative of LLILAS Benson.

Diane Lima, Independent Curator based in São Paulo and Salvador & Aline Motta, São Paulo-based Artist
Public Conversation: Bridges over the Abyss
Presented in conjunction with Social Fabric: Art and Activism in Contemporary Brazil. Co-organized by the Department of Art and Art History’s Art History Lecture Series and the Visual Arts Center, with support from Archiving Black América, Art Galleries at Black Studies, Center for Latin American Visual Studies (CLAVIS), Humanities Institute through the Viola S. Hoffman and George W. Hoffman Lectureship in Liberal Arts and Fine Arts, LLILAS Benson Brazil Center, Rapoport Center for Human Rights and Justice, and Texas Global.

Denilson Baniwa, artist based in Niterói, Brazil
Artist Talk
Presented in conjunction with Social Fabric: Art and Activism in Contemporary Brazil. Organized by the Visual Arts Center, with support from the Center for Latin American Visual Studies (CLAVIS), Humanities Institute through the Viola S. Hoffman and George W. Hoffman Lectureship in Liberal Arts and Fine Arts, the Native American and Indigenous Studies program, Rapoport Center for Human Rights and Justice, and Texas Global.
Anna Indych-López, Professor of Art History, CUNY Graduate Center

Fabiola López-Durán, Associate Professor of Art and Architectural History & Co-Director, Program in Museum Studies and Cultural Heritage, Rice University
Public Lecture: “Practicing Utopia: Race, Architecture and the 1922 Brazilian Centennial Exhibition”

Anna Arabindan-Kesson, Assistant Professor of Black Diasporic Art, Princeton University
Public Lecture: “Plantation Imaginaries: Mobile Forms and Forms of Enclosure”
ISLAA Forum Keynote

Esther Gabara, Associate Professor of Romance Studies & Art, Art History and Visual Studies, Duke University
Public Lecture: “Motifs in Non-Literary Fiction: Walking in Spirals Under Neoliberalism”
ISLAA Forum Keynote


Jaime Lauriano, Porto and São Paulo-based Artist
Artist Talk
Co-sponsored with the Visual Arts Center, with generous support from Shannon and Mark Hart

Rosana Paulino, São Paulo-based Artist
Artist Talk
Co-sponsored with the Visual Arts Center, with generous support from Shannon and Mark Hart and the College of Fine Arts Diversity Committee Guest Artist Initiative

Luiz Camillo Osorio, Associate Professor, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro
Public Lecture: “Calder After Pedrosa”

Mary Coffey, Associate Professor, Dartmouth College
Public Lecture: “White Zombies and Black Labor: Specters of Slavery and Rebellion in José Clemente Orozco’s The Epic of American Civilization”

Roberto Conduru, Professor, Southern Methodist University
Public Lecture: “Agudá tectonics: Architecture and Photography in the Tides of Modernity between Brazil, Africa and Beyond”

Jennifer Josten, Assistant Professor, University of Pittsburgh
Public Lecture: “Goertiz’s Tactics”

Elena Shtromberg, Associate Professor, University of Utah
Public Lecture: “The Art and Crisis of the Cruzeiro in Cildo Meireles’s Banknote Projects”
Adele Nelson, Assistant Professor, Temple University
Public Lecture: “Forming Abstraction: The São Paulo Bienal and Modernism in Postwar Brazil”

Rafael Cardoso Denis, Visiting Professor, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Public Lecture: “White Skin, Black Masks: Brazilian Modernism Between the Native and the Exotic”
Andrea Noble, Professor, University of Durham
Public Lecture: “Tears in Mexico: Emotions, Crisis, and the Social Compact”

James Oles, Professor, Wellesley College
Public Lecture: “Cézannisme à la américaine latine: The Impact of Cézanne on Diego Rivera and Jesús Rafael Soto” (co-sponsored with Blanton Museum of Art)

Edward Sullivan, Professor, New York University
Public Lecture: “Landscapes of Desire: The Land as Resource in the Caribbean, 1770-1900”
Kathryn O’Rourke, Assistant Professor, Trinity University
Public Lecture: “Making Space for Mexican Architecture”
Claudia Calirman, Assistant Professor, John Jay College, City University of New York
Public Lecture: “Brazilian Art Under Dictatorship”
Esteban Buch, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris
Public Lecture: “Scandal at The Rite: Games of Distinction and Dreams of Barbarism”
Rachel Weiss, Professor, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Public Lecture: “Lupe at the Mic”