On May 13th, CM2 helped run a University of Texas free webinar focused on the Pedestrian Wars. This webinar allowed graduate-level students an opportunity to share their research and findings on many different facets of the pedestrian viewpoint, from financial incentives, accessibility within transit access, and the value of slow… read more
Join Us Friday, June 3rd, for an End of Semester Meeting!
WHAT: CM2 End of Semester Meeting WHEN: Friday, June 3, 2022 at 12:00 PM CDT LOCATION: CM2 Offices WMB 6.120 Congratulations on a successful Spring Term, CM2! This informal meeting invites all those under the CM2 umbrella to come, relax, and celebrate the ending of the Spring semester. Catering from… read more
CM2 at Girlstart’s Girls in STEM Conference
The future for young women in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) fields is looking even brighter as of late! Known for its STEM programming events, the highly touted nonprofit GirlStart organization has been empowering young girls nationwide in the STEM fields of study. Recently, GirlStart sponsored a day-long conference in… read more
CM2 Presents a Free Webinar on May 13th, Live on Zoom
FRIDAY, MAY 13, 2022 | 11:00 AM CDT via Zoom Graduate students in the Community and Regional Planning (CRP) Program Spring 2022 Term course Women and Transportation | From Childhood to Widowhood: A Woman’s Journey led by Professor Sandi Rosenbloom conducted a CM2-sponsored study of emerging issues in pedestrian access… read more
March 2022 CM2 Brown Bag Video Now on YouTube
The March 2022 CM2 Brown Bag online presentation took place on March 24th and was our second scheduled brown bag presentation for the Spring 2022 academic semester. If you missed the Zoom presentation by Ph.D. candidate Edward Pettitt from our partner institution Texas Southern University, please check out the Texas Architecture YouTube… read more
Announcement: 2023 CM2 Summer Forum
Cooperative Mobility for Competitive Megaregions (CM2) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEApril 1, 2022 In April 2021, the US DOT/OST-R announced an additional year of federal funding support to the original 35 UTC Program grant recipients of the FAST Act due to an extension legislation. The additional funding was awarded as a modification,… read more