On February 19th, the CM2 team participated in Girl Day at UT Austin 2022, presented by Women in STEM (WiSTEM). UT Austin’s national award-winning Girl Day event gives elementary and middle school students a chance to explore STEM through grade-appropriate, hands-on activities hosted by volunteer scientists, engineers, astronomers, and STEM… read more
February Brown Bag Presentation Set for the 24th
Please join CM2 for an informative presentation from Ph.D. candidate Joshua Davidson (University of Pennsylvania) regarding measuring the change in bike share use. As cities large and small strive to increase transit options, bike share programs remain a popular topic. What does a data-based analysis show about these bike-share programs?… read more
CM2 at Transportation Research Board’s (TRB) 101st Annual Meeting
On January 9th-13th, 2022, the TRB 101st Annual Meeting was held in person in Washington, DC. This event included thousands of transportation administrators, practitioners, policymakers, and researchers who came to DC and participated in more than 400 workshops, lectern sessions, and poster sessions, as well as nearly 400 committee meetings. CM2 researchers Dr. Gian-Claudia Sciara… read more
Girl Day 2022 Call for Volunteers
Calling all STEM role models and volunteers: CM2 needs your help! CM2 is excited to participate in Girl Day @ UT Austin 2022 presented by UT Austin’s WiSTEM (Women in STEM). Kids and their chaperones will join in free virtual STEM programming for K-8th graders on the Gatherly platform on… read more
Congratulations to Joshua Davidson, 2021/22 CUTC Student of the Year!
The Council of University Transportation Centers (CUTC) awards competition recognizes outstanding transportation students, faculty, and leaders for their accomplishments in the field of transportation research and education. Each year, individuals are honored at the Annual CUTC Awards Reception and Banquet. These individuals, who have been nominated by educators from across… read more
CM2 Fall Newsletter
CM2 is pleased to share that we have published the 2021 Fall Newsletter. With the Fall 2021 academic semester now over, CM2 is pleased to share a recap of the research efforts and scholarly activities of the CM2 Community throughout this past semester. This includes events, initiatives, and developments that… read more