A new brief report authored by CCF Experts Jennifer Glass and Joanna Pepin was featured in Deseret News and MarketWatch this week. The brief centers around their recent study which finds that nearly 70% of mothers will be the primary breadwinners for their families by the time their children turn 18.
Follow the links below to read more!
Brief report: Mothers Are the Primary Earners in Growing Numbers of Families with Children, Including Married-Couple Families
Link: https://sites.utexas.edu/contemporaryfamilies/2021/11/02/breadwinning-mothers-brief-report/
Deseret News: “Most moms will be breadwinners at some point. Why don’t we treat them that way?”
Link: https://www.deseret.com/2021/11/4/22761860/would-helping-breadwinner-moms-boost-fertiliity-child-tax-credit-work-life-balance-childcare/
MarketWatch: “For the first time, most U.S. moms will likely be the family breadwinner within their child’s first 18 years”
Link: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/for-the-first-time-most-u-s-moms-will-likely-be-the-family-breadwinner-within-their-childs-first-18-years-11635877450/