Read his thoughts in his new essay for Aeon, “Modern culture blames parents for forces beyond their control“
Members In The News
CCF Board Member Barbara Risman On How To Help Working Parents While Also Equalizing Children’s Educational Access
Read her op-ed in the Chicago Tribune: “A new Works Progress Administration could create ‘learning pods’ for all schoolchildren.“
CCF’S Stephanie Coontz Interviewed by Legacy Washington
“Legacy Washington recently recorded an interview with author/historian Stephanie Coontz. Watch Legacy Washington historian Bob Young interview Coontz, an expert on family and marriage whose writing influenced the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2015 decision legalizing same-sex marriage. Coontz has recently appeared in The New York Times and Rolling Stone magazine, and gave this year’s commencement speech at The Evergreen State College. Stephanie Coontz is profiled in the Legacy Washington book Ahead of the Curve.”
Watch the full interview here
CCF’s Executive Director Jennifer Glass on the Struggle for Child Care in a Pandemic
Parents often rely on their networks for child care, but how has that changed since COVID-19? CCF’s Executive Director Jennifer Glass has some thoughts in The Christian Science Monitor’s “‘I can’t keep this up much longer’: Parents struggle with pandemic strain.”
CCF Experts Featured in The Washington Post, Boston Globe, Deseret News
CCF experts Dan Carlson, Richard Petts, and Joanna Pepin discuss the findings of their latest brief report on gendered division of labor during the covid-19 pandemic with Deseret News’ Lois M. Collins.
Read the article, “More men are doing housework during the pandemic, research finds,” here.
UPDATE: read more coverage of CCF’s latest brief report in the Boston Globe’s, “Men are taking on (slightly) more household chores during pandemic,” as well as The Washington Post’s, “The pandemic didn’t create working moms’ struggle. But it made it impossible to ignore.”
CCF’s Stephanie Coontz featured in Rolling Stone
Read her thoughts on the challenges mothers are facing in “Coronavirus Is Killing the Working Mother”