

MSU Visits UT Austin and joins social hour
Last week the UT Austin EcoCAR team was lucky to host the Mississippi State University EcoCAR team in Austin, TX. In a kind gesture between teams, The MSU ecoCAR team donated tools and instruments to the UT Austin EcoCAR team. The team then joined a social hour with other members of the UT Austin EcoCAR team. Bowling, Pool and Pizza capped off the visit before heading back to Mississippi!
We would like to thank the team for their generosity and wish them the best of luck in the competition!

Car lift installation completed in UT Austin EcoCAR garage

GM Mentor, Michael Abowd visits UT Campus
Michael Abowd, GM mentor for the UT Austin EcoCAR team visited the UT campus in November, 2022. The team leads were given the opportunity to pick his brain and discuss the competition with him. Michael was accompanied by Arthur Zhang, PA Lead and Yung-Chi, CAV Lead for a demonstration of the team’s current work on the HUSKY robot!

UT Austin EcoCAR team goes to Davis for fall workshop
