Student Poster Participants 2024

Poster NumberFirst NameLast NameDepartmentTitle
1Md MostafijurRahmanElectrical & Computer EngineeringG-CASCADE: Efficient Cascaded Graph Convolutional Decoding for 2D Medical Image Segmentation
2ZulfidinKhodzhaevElectrical & Computer EngineeringSpike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity (STDP) Neuromorphic Devices using Magnetic Skyrmion Manipulation Chambers
3AllanFrederickElectrical & Computer EngineeringAdvancing In-Ear EEG Technology
4IsidorosTziotisElectrical & Computer EngineeringStraggler-Resilient Personalized Federated Learning
5PoojaNutiElectrical & Computer EngineeringRIS-assisted Joint Preamble Detection and Localization
6DennisMennElectrical & Computer EngineeringInvestigating Human-Identifiable Features Hidden in Adversarial Perturbations
7MustafaMunirElectrical & Computer EngineeringMobileViG: Graph-Based Sparse Attention for Mobile Vision Applications
8Sung JinYangElectrical & Computer EngineeringVolatile and Nonvolatile Resistive Switching Coexistence in Conductive Point Hexagonal Boron Nitride Monolayer
9CanCuiElectrical & Computer EngineeringSpintronic Devices with Intrinsic Neuromorphic Functions
10ShantoRahmanElectrical & Computer EngineeringFlakeSync: Automatically Repairing Async Flaky Tests
11DebjyotiChatterjeeElectrical & Computer EngineeringOvercurrent limiting and fault-ride through of Grid-forming Inverters
12RuihaoLiElectrical & Computer EngineeringMemory Allocation using a Lightweight Core
13AlfredoDuarte GomezAerospace Engineering & Engineering MechanicsHigh-fidelity simulation of the ignition of an ethylene/air mixture at scramjet conditions with nanosecond discharges
14DrueHood-McFaddenAerospace Engineering & Engineering MechanicsMass Separation by Inductively Coupled Electromagnetic Centrifuge in Collisional Regime
15SachinNairAerospace Engineering & Engineering MechanicsDSMC Simulation of Impinging Thruster Plumes for Space Debris Detumbling.
16SolonTsimpoukisAerospace Engineering & Engineering MechanicsIsobaric thermal Cycling of NiTi SMA Tubes
17ZixiangTongAerospace Engineering & Engineering MechanicsEnhancing Mechanical Testing with Adaptive Mesh Augmented Lagrangian Digital Image/Volume Correlation (AL-DIC/DVC)
18HugoMiniereBiomedical EngineeringTowards a data assimilation framework for predicting the spatiotemporal response of high-grade gliomas to chemoradiation
19Ju-ChunHsiehBiomedical EngineeringDesign of Injectable, Self-Adhesive, and Highly-Stable Hydrogel Electrode for Long-Term EEG Recording
20TaliaSanazzaroBiomedical EngineeringMimicking the viscoelastic nature of brain tissue to study neural cell behavior using a hyaluronic acid-based interpenetrating polymer network
21Hung-YunLuBiomedical EngineeringIntentional control of dopamine neural activity using invasive brain-machine interface
22YiZhaoBiomedical EngineeringNeural coordination of brain during motor learning
23SarahJonesBiomedical EngineeringA Multifunctional Electrospun Wrap to Treat Infection and Enhance Bone Regeneration
24AndrewRobinsonBiomedical EngineeringHydrogel-Polyurethane Fiber Composite as a Polymeric Heart Valve
25NnekaEdeBiomedical EngineeringDeveloping and Evaluating the Performance of a Custom Generative Pre-Trained Transformer for Pediatric Neurocutaneous Syndromes
26AlexisDimancheBiomedical EngineeringCerebral Perfusion Visualization with Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging (LSCI)
27SheilaGerardoPetroleum & Geosystems EngineeringPhenomena Controlling Rare Earths Recovery from Coal Fly Ash
28Veerabhadra SDenduluriPetroleum & Geosystems EngineeringUsing Geopolymers as a Sustainable Cementing Solution in High-Temperature Geothermal Wells
29CynthiaOeiyonoPetroleum & Geosystems EngineeringRegeneration of Solvent used in Carbon Capture via Mineralization
30BRUNOREINOSOPetroleum & Geosystems EngineeringWettability Alteration in Carbonate Formations: An EOR Approach for SACROC Unit
31AshraySaxenaCivil, Architectural & Environmental EngineeringInvestigation on cracking characteristics of geosynthetic-reinforced asphalt using DIC
32PriyankaPaithankarCivil, Architectural & Environmental EngineeringSAV Fleet Operations with Multiple Service Types: Comparative Analysis of SAV Size, Service Types, and Ride Preferences
33BenjaminSiuTexas Materials InstituteMetal-Azolate Frameworks from an Organoarsine Ligand with Terminal Pyrazoles: Syntheses, Structures, and Characterization
34AustinPaul-OrecchioChemical EngineeringAlloying Indium Additive Enables Fast-Charging Lithium Metal Batteries
35Chien-JungWuChemical EngineeringPiezo-Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production and HMF Oxidation using Molybdenum Disulfide-Carbon Nitride Heterostructures
36Shashwatida CunhaChemical EngineeringIntegrating electrocatalytic CO2 reduction into renewable energy systems
37AntoineChamoun-FarahChemical EngineeringAmine Functionalized Supported Ionic Liquid Membranes (SILMs) for CO¬2/N2 Separation
38AustinKellerChemical EngineeringData-Driven Design and Optimization of Amine Functionalized Ionic Liquids for CO2 Capture
39ChenhaoYaoChemical EngineeringHighly selective molecular-sieving polyamide TFC membranes by interfacial polymerization
40Chih-IChenChemical EngineeringMitigating amine oxidation by NO2 with prescrubbing using sulfite/thiosulfate
41BenjaminStacyChemical EngineeringSilicon Quantum Dot Gelation from Aqueous Dispersion with Carboxylate-Ion Complexes
42KofiOfosuChemical EngineeringMicroscopic Dynamics of Thermoreversible Linker‐mediated Nanocrystal Gel Assemblies
43Jon-MarcMcGregorChemical EngineeringThe promoting role of organic cations on the electrochemical reduction of CO2 in aprotic solvents
44ShanmukhKutagullaMechanical EngineeringDefect Engineered, Highly Selective Graphene Proton Exchange Membranes for Extremely Long Range & High Performance Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles
45ImanSalafianMechanical EngineeringExtraction of Heart Rate, Respiratory Rate and Work of Breathing Data from an Indwelling Nasogastric Tube
46ElisaKoolmanMechanical EngineeringA Methodological Roadmap for Critical Disability Spatial Analysis: A case study of Moving through Makerspaces
47ZiamGhaznaviMechanical EngineeringRoll-to-Roll Nano-manufacturing Processes and Real-time Colorimetric-imaging Based Metrology for Large-Area Nanostructure Areas
48NicolasMolina VergaraMechanical EngineeringTowards quantification of the depth-dependent diffusivity of water in molybdenum disulfide solid lubricant coatings
49Aminur RashidChowdhuryMechanical EngineeringPhotocatalytic degradation of VOC using Au plasmonic assisted anatase TiO2
50FarzanaTasnimMechanical EngineeringMachine Learning for Precise Nanostructured Material Analysis in Thin Films
51JunhanLiaoMechanical Engineering3D Bioprinted Bone-Mimetic Microenvironment to Investigate Age-Associated Bone Loss
52SangjunKimMechanical EngineeringA Wearable and Unobstructive Qi-Compatible Wireless Charger
53JoshuaGroseMechanical EngineeringModel-based Simulation and Optimization of Heat Affected Zones in a Microscale Selective Laser Sintering System
54ChristinaNissenMechanical EngineeringAn Ultrasonic Technique to Determine the Onset of Localized Sintering in Additive Manufactured Ceramics
55NoahRossignolMechanical EngineeringSimulation of Dielectric Structures for Low Power Microwave Plasma Ignition
56CamilleEdwardsMechanical EngineeringTunable Amorphous Carbon Films Formed on Ultralow Wear, Pt-Au Alloys
57AwanBhatiMechanical EngineeringTechno-economic Modeling of CO2 Hydrate Slurry Formation for Carbon Sequestration at Seabed
58XinyiLiuMechanical EngineeringVisOptiXAI: Tailored Visualization-Enhanced Explainable AI for Diverse User Queries
59StephanieMolitorMechanical EngineeringEffect of added load on prosthetic walking efficiency
60SivasakthyaMohanMechanical EngineeringStudy of Normal and Shear Interactions between Graphene and Sapphire