Title: A Developer’s Primer for Coding Human Behavior in Bots
Abstract: This session demonstrated ways to model human-robot interaction (HRI) using a practical coding scenario. We explored how to program a humanoid robot head that manages its eye contact to maximize “connection” and minimize “social awkwardness” in human interaction. This session addressed practical computational questions and frame cognitive modeling problems based on intuitive mechanical analogies. We leveraged the power of feedback Whole-Body Control to generate useful behaviors – and demonstrated the results on the Dreamer Humanoid robot head!
Participants: Steven Jorgensen, Travis Llado, Orion Campbell, Luis Sentis
Cognitive Study on Gaze Interactions
IEEE ARSO 2017 Speaker Line Up
We are very pleased to have an all star line up of keynote speakers for the IEEE International Workshop of Advanced Robotics and its Social Impact in Austin, during March 8-10, 2017: (1) Ruzena Bajcsy, Director Emerita of Citrus at the University of California at Berkeley and co-founder of the renown GRASP laboratory at the University of Pennsylvania , (2) Sabine Hauert, Professor of Swarm Robotics at the University of Bristol, TED talk speaker, and expert in science communication, (3) Mady Delvaux, member of the European Parliament and advocate of increasing digital competences in education systems, and (4) Alan Manning, a renowned UK labour economist and professor of the London School of Economics.
You can find the biographies of the speakers on this link.
Additionally, a panel in conjunction with SXSW is scheduled to take place on Friday March 10, 2017.
IEEE-RAS International Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts
The HCRL is very pleased to announce the 2nd call for submissions, due on October 7th, for the IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts. ARSO is a single track workshop with top scientific and social papers gathering an eclectic mix of researchers, scientists, and thinkers intersecting the area of robotics and autonomous systems from various perspectives. Consider submitting your top research studies addressing significant scientific, computational, and experimental questions in advanced robotics and its broader impacts, including:
- Science of autonomous systems
- Comparative studies of humans and robots
- Large-scale software development for robotics
- Data and prediction sciences for just-it-time feedback (social and robotic systems)
- Mission centered robotics for scientific exploration: space and marine environments
- Experimental robotics: robustness, adaptation, safety, and security
- Robotics in education
- Rehabilitation, ortthotic, and prosthetic sciences and devices
- Industrial and manufacturing trends in robotics
- Robotic innovation and startups
- Ethical and legal issues in robotics
- Labour dynamics influenced by robotics
- Robotics in emerging markets: defense, oil and gas, and health
- Robot assistants, companions, and artificial life systems
- Perceptual studies using robotics
Notice that there are various options for submission:
- Full conference papers (peer reviewed and published in IEEE Xplore, 6 pages, with up to 2 additional pages) on significant research/scientific questions and methods (oral or interactive presentations)
- Abstracts (2 pages) on all topics (oral or interactive presentations)
- Proposals for organized sessions (2 pages) on all topics (oral presentations in the style of a panel)
Full papers will published in IEEE Xplore.
URL: http://sites.utexas.edu/arso2017
All the best,
ARSO 2017 Organizing Committee
New PhD Dissertation on Non-Periodic Dynamic Locomotion
Ye Zhao Defends his PhD
NSF Grant Awarded
IEEE Transactions on Robotics Paper Accepted
Our paper, “Stabilizing Series-Elastic Point-Foot Bipeds using Whole-Body Operational Space Control”, led by student Donghyun Kim, gets accepted in TRO.