The guides and toolkits found on this page are empirically-based training tools created specifically for professionals who conduct the daily work of combating sexual assault and responding to victims of this crime. All resources are trauma-informed, victim-centered, and based upon extensive research and the accumulated expertise of IDVSA and practitioner partners. They are intended for law enforcement, prosecutors, advocates, community practitioners, and civil/legal service professionals.
Compendium of Resources on Sexual Assault (CORSA II)
IDVSA is working on the second phase of evidence-based, victim-centered training strategies and tools for professionals working with sexual assault victims throughout Texas…
Compendium of Resources on Sexual Assault
IDVSA’s Compendium of Resources on Sexual Assault (CORSA) is an innovative and practical tool to enhance community coordinated sexual assault response efforts…
Victim Notification in Cases of Untested Sexual Assault Kits
In the last several years, untested sexual assault kits (SAKs) emerged as a major criminal and social justice issue…
The Blueprint for Campus Police: Toolkit
One in five women and a smaller number of male students are sexually assaulted in college, and only 5% of those assaults are reported to law enforcement …
Law Enforcement Toolkit for Victims of Non-Stranger Sexual Assault
IDVSA’s 2011 sexual assault needs assessment study found that a large number of victims of non-stranger sexual assault drop out of or disengage from the criminal justice system process…