The High Performance LINPACK (HPL) benchmark is well known for delivering a high fraction of peak floating-point performance. The (historically) excellent scaling of performance as the number of processors is increased and as the frequency is increased suggests that memory bandwidth has not been a performance limiter. But this does… read more
memory bandwidth
Memory Bandwidth on Xeon Phi (Knights Corner)
A Quick Note There are a lot of topics that could be addressed here, but this short note will focus on bandwidth from main memory (using the STREAM benchmark) as a function of the number of threads used. Published STREAM Bandwidth Results Official STREAM submission at: Compiled with icc… read more
Some comments on the Xeon Phi coprocessor
As many of you know, the Texas Advanced Computing Center is in the midst of installing “Stampede” — a large supercomputer using both Intel Xeon E5 (“Sandy Bridge”) and Intel Xeon Phi (aka “MIC”, aka “Knights Corner”) processors. In his blog “The Perils of Parallel”, Greg Pfister commented on the… read more