The Xeon Phi x200 (Knights Landing) has a lot of modes of operation (selected at boot time), and the latency and bandwidth characteristics are slightly different for each mode. It is also important to remember that the latency can be different for each physical address, depending on the location of… read more
memory latency
Invited Talk at SuperComputing 2016!
“Memory Bandwidth and System Balance in HPC Systems” If you are planning to attend the SuperComputing 2016 conference in Salt Lake City next month, be sure to reserve a spot on your calendar for my talk on Wednesday afternoon (4:15pm-5:00pm). I will be talking about the technology and market trends… read more
AMD Opteron “Shanghai” and “Istanbul” Local and Remote Memory Latencies
In an earlier post, I documented the local and remote memory latencies for the SunBlade X6420 compute nodes in the TACC Ranger supercomputer, using AMD Opteron “Barcelona” (model 8356) processors running at 2.3 GHz. Similar latency tests were run on other systems based on AMD Opteron processors in the TACC… read more