“All models are wrong, but some are useful.” -George E. P. Box
JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS (Asterisk: corresponding author, underline: student)
Link: Google Scholar
Under review
- Santos Cruz, A. U., Lee, J.-W.*, Lee, W. PyFlood: Coastal Flood Mapping with High-Resolution Digital Elevation Model and Land Cover Data [Preprint]
- Yang, H., Lee, J.-W.*, Klepac, S., Santos Cruz, A. U., Subgranon, A., & Jiao, J. (2024). Reconstructing Missing Data of Damaged Buildings from Post-Hurricane Reconnaissance Data Using XGBoost. Frontiers in Built Environment, 10, 1444001. [DOI]
- Bernier, N. B.*, Hemer, M., Nobuhito, M., …, Lee, J.-W., …, Zhang, Y. J. (2024). Storm Surges and Extreme Sea Levels: Review, Establishment of Model Intercomparison and Coordination of Surge Climate Projection Efforts (SurgeMIP)., Weather and Climate Extremes, 100689. [DOI]
- Lee, J.-W.*, Irish, J. L., and Weiss, R. (2023). Real-time prediction of alongshore near-field tsunami runup distribution from heterogeneous earthquake slip distribution. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 128, e2022JC018873. [DOI] [Code]
- Lee, J.-W.*, Irish, J. L., Bensi, M. T., and Marcy D. C. (2021). Rapid prediction of peak storm surge from tropical cyclone track time series using machine learning, Coastal Engineering. [DOI] [Preprint] [Code]
- Lee, J.-W.*, Irish, J. L. and Weiss, R. (2021). Probabilistic near-field tsunami source and tsunami run-up distribution inferred from tsunami run-up records in northern Chile, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126, e2021JC017289. [DOI] [Preprint] [Code]
- Lee, J.-W.*, Irish, J. L. and Weiss, R. (2020). Rapid prediction of alongshore run-up distribution from near-field tsunamis, Natural Hazards, 104(2), 1157-1180. [ResearchGate] [Preprint] [Code]
- Lee, J.-W., Park, S.-C.*, Lee, D. K. and Lee, J. H. (2016). Tsunami arrival time detection system applicable to discontinuous time-series data with outliers. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 16(12), 2603-2622. [ResearchGate] [PDF]
- Lee, J.-W.* and Park, S.-C. (2016). Artificial neural network-based data recovery system for the time series of tide stations. Journal of Coastal Research, 32(1), 213-224. [ResearchGate]
- Lee, J.-W., Park, K.-Y. and Cho, Y.-S.* (2015). Shear current effects on monochromatic water waves crossing trenches. Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2015(256084), 1-11. doi:10.1155/2015/256084. [ResearchGate]
Published (In Korean)
- Cho, Y.-S.*, Lee, K.-J. and Lee, J.-W. (2021). Water wave reflection over shear currents and dredged multi-arrayed trenches. Journal of Korea Water Resources Association, 53(10), 871-876. (in Korean)
- Sohn, D.-H., Park, S.-C.*, Lee, J.-W., Moon, K.-S., Kim, H.-S. and Lee, D.-K. (2018). Classification of tsunami hazard area along the eastern coast of South Korea based on improved tsunami scenario database. Journal of Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation,18(3), 303-310. (in Korean) [ResearchGate]
- Lee, J.-W., Park, E. H., Park, S.-C.*, Lee, D. K. and Lee, J. H. (2016). Numerical simulations of the 2011 East Japan tsunami forerunner observed in Korea using the bathymetry effect, Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers, 28(5), 265-276. (in Korean) [ResearchGate]
- Lee, J.-W., Park, E. H., Park, S.-C.* and Woo, S.-B. (2015). Development of the global tsunami prediction system using the finite fault model and the cyclic boundary condition. Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers, 27(6), 391-405. (in Korean) [ResearchGate]
- Lee, J.-W., Cha, J.-H. and Cho, Y.-S.* (2014). Performance evaluation of multi-arrayed submerged structures by impermeable depositional topography. Journal of Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, 14(4), 343-349. (in Korean) [ResearchGate]
- Lee, J.-W., Seo, K. H. and Cho, Y.-S.* (2013). Resonant reflection by sinusoidally varying topography with various shear currents. Journal of Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation, 13(3), 209-214. (in Korean) [ResearchGate]
- Lee, J.-W. and Cho, Y.-S.* (2013). The calculation of reflection coefficients of water waves over various shear currents with a uniform depth topography. Journal of Korea Water Resources Association, 46(3), 245-252. (in Korean) [ResearchGate]
- Bureau Seminar Series, Bureau of Economic Geology, UT-Austin, May 3, 2024.
- Workshop on Resilience of Navy Waterfront Facilities in a Changing Climate, NAVFAC EXWC, ASCE COPRI, ASCE Headquarters in Reston, VA, Apr 23-24, 2024.
- 2024 Chishiki AI Research Summit, UT-Austin, Apr 5, 2024.
- 2024 Good System symposium, UT-Austin, Mar 28, 2024.
- 2024 AI Waterinformatics Future Forum, Yonsei University (Online), Feb 19, 2024.
- International Symposium on Coastal Erosion and Resilience, Korea Maritime Institute (Online), Dec 4, 2023.
- 2023 ACE Congress, Korea University (Online), Nov 7, 2023.
- 2023 Smart Cities and Generative AI Symposium, UT-Austin, Aug 18, 2023.
- Seoul National University, Rep. of Korea, May 26, 2023. (In Korean)
- EWRE seminar, UT-Austin, Jan 19, 2023.
Before 2023
- Sejong University, Rep. of Korea, July 27, 2022. (In Korean)
- Earthquake and Volcano Bureau, Korea Meteorological Administration, Rep. of Korea, July 25, 2022. (in Korean)
- Hanyang University, Rep. of Korea, July 22, 2022. (in Korean)
- EWR seminar, Virginia Tech, USA, Sep. 10, 2021.
- Earthquake and Volcano Bureau, Korea Meteorological Administration, Rep. of Korea, Jun. 28, 2021. (in Korean)
- Earthquake and Volcano Bureau, Korea Meteorological Administration, Rep. of Korea, Jun. 11, 2019. (in Korean)
- Kim, K.*, Lee, J.-W., Irish, J. L. (2023). Probabilistic Tropical Cyclone Surge Hazard Under Future Sea-Level Rise Scenarios: A Case Study in The Chesapeake Bay Region, USA, EWRI Congress, Henderson, Nevada, USA, May 21-24. (Graduate student technical paper competition) https://doi.org/10.1061/9780784484852.117
- Lee, J.-W.* and Park, S.-C. (2015). Development of a gap-filling algorithm applicable to a tsunami warning system. Proceedings of the 25th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, 860-864, Hawaii, USA, Jun. 21-26. [Oral] [ResearchGate]
- Kim, B. J., Lee, J.-W.* and Cho, Y.-S. (2013). Tsunami risk assessment for effective tsunami prevention. Proceedings of the 35th International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research, 320, Chengdu, China, Aug. 8-13. [Poster] [ResearchGate]
- Lee, J.-W.* and Cho, Y.-S. (2013). Reflection of waves over various shear currents and trenches, Proceedings of the 35th International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research, 311, Chengdu, China, Aug. 8-13. [Oral] [ResearchGate]
- Jeong, W.*, Lee, J.-W. and Cho, Y.-S. (2012). A study on simulation of flood inundation in a coastal urban area using a two-dimensional numerical model. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Hydroscience and Engineering, 338-339, Orlando, USA, Nov. 4-8. [Oral] [ResearchGate]
- Park, K.-W., Lee, J.-W.*, Jeong, W.-C. and Cho, Y.-S. (2012). Observation and numerical prediction of 2011 East Japan Tsunami in Pacific Ocean, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Hydroscience and Engineering, 50-51, Orlando, USA, Nov. 4-8. [Oral] [ResearchGate]
- Park, S.-C.*, Lee, J.-W. and Park, E. H. (2015). Local tsunami warning system in South Korea and its ongoing improvement. International Tsunami Symposium 2015, Hawaii, USA, Apr. 20-21. [Poster] [ResearchGate]
- Lee, J.-W.*, Park, S.-C. and Lee, C.-W. (2014). Numerical prediction of 2007 Solomon Islands earthquake and tsunami. Proceedings of International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Busan, Rep. of Korea, Apr. 16-18. [Oral] [ResearchGate]
CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS (Asterisk: presenter, underline: student)
- Santos Cruz, A. U.*, Lee, J.-W., Lee, W. (2025). Efficient Coastal Flood-Inundation Mapping Using Machine Learning-Enhanced Static Model. NHERI Computational Symposium, UCLA, CA, USA, Feb 5-7. [Oral]
- Lee, J.-W.*, Santos Cruz, A. U. (2024). Early Warning System for Coastal Flood Risk Management in Galveston, Texas. Texas Sea Grant: Coastal Resilience and Adaptation Conference, virtual, Sep 18-19. [Oral]
- Irish, J. L.*, Noe, E., Bender, C. J., Gharagozlou, A., Bensi, M. T., Lee, J.-W. (2024). Computational Simulation Set Selection For Storm Surge Surrogate Modeling. International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Rome, Italy, Sep. 8-14.
- Yang, H.*, Lee, J.-W., Santos Cruz, A. U., Subgranon, A., Klepac, S., and Jiao, J. (2024). Can hurricane, surge, and damage data assist in reconstructing structural features?, Young Coastal Scientists and Engineers Conference – Americas, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, June 4-6.
- Lee, J.-W.*, Zamora, N., Irish, J. L., Weiss, R., and Catalan, P. (2024). Advancing Tsunami Hazard Assessment: Machine Learning-Based Rapid Inundation Prediction. Ocean Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, Feb 18-23.
- Lee, J.-W.*, Irish, J. L., Weiss, R. (2023). TRRF-FF: A Data-Driven Model for Real-Time Alongshore Tsunami Runup Prediction from Earthquake Slip Distributions, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Dec. 11-15.
Before 2023
- Lee, J.-W.*, Irish, J. L., Weiss, R. (2021). Inferring tsunami source and run-up distribution from run-up observations: A tsunami inversion model, AGU Fall Meeting, Virtual, Dec. 13-17. [eLightning]
- Lee, J.-W.*, Irish, J. L., Bensi, M.T. and Marcy, D. C. (2021) Modeling of peak storm surges in coastal Virginia using machine learning, Coastal Dynamics, Virtual, Jun. 28 – July 2. [Oral]
- Lee, J.-W.* and Irish, J. L. and Marcy, D. C. (2020). Development of a neural network model to estimate the maximum elevation of storm surge in coastal Virginia, AGU Fall Meeting,Virtual, Dec. 7-11. [eLightning]
- Lee, J.-W.*, Irish, J. L., Weiss, R. (2020). Near-field tsunami forecasting based on tsunami run-up response function, International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Virtual, Oct. 6-9. [Oral] [https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v36v.currents.5] [YouTube]
- Irish, J. L.*, Resio, D., Bensi, M., Asher, T. G., Liu, Y. and Lee, J.-W. (2019). Using physical insights to minimize error and maximize efficiency in spatial decomposition approaches to surge hazard assessment, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Dec. 9-13. [Invited talk]
- Lee, J.-W.*, Irish, J. L. and Weiss, R. (2018). Development of a tsunami run-up response function and application to northern Puerto Rico, AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, DC, USA, Dec. 10-14. [Oral] [ResearchGate]
- Park, S.-C.*, Lee, J.-W., Yang, H., Park, E. H. and Lee, W.-J. (2016). Influence of the 2011 Tohoku, Japan earthquake on the Korean peninsula. JpGU Meeting, Chiba, Japan, May. 22-26. [Oral] [ResearchGate]
- Lee, J.-W.*, Park, S.-C., Park, E. H., Lee, W.-J. and Lee, D. (2016). Observation of the tsunami forerunner of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake in Korea. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, Apr. 17-22. [Oral] [ResearchGate]
- Lee, J.-W., Park, S.-C., Lee, W.-J. and Lee, D*. (2016). Development of outlier detection algorithm applicable to a Korean surge-gauge. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, Apr. 17-22. [Poster] [ResearchGate]
- Park, E. H.*, Park, S.-C., Lee, J.-W., and Lee, D. (2015). Source characteristics of the 2013 Santa Cruz Islands earthquake and its aftershocks. Proceedings of the 12th Annual Meeting of Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Suntec, Singapore, Aug. 2-7. [Poster] [ResearchGate]
- Park, S.-C.*, Lee, J.-W., Park, E. H. and Lee, D. (2015). Development of global tsunami warning system using realtime analysis of large earthquake slip distribution. Proceedings of the 12th Annual Meeting of Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Suntec, Singapore, Aug. 2-7. [Oral] [ResearchGate]
- Lee, J.-W. and Park, S.-C*. (2015). Development of tsunami detection algorithm for application to Korean surge-gauge. Proceedings of the 12th Annual Meeting of Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Suntec, Singapore, Aug. 2-7. [Poster] [ResearchGate]
- Park, E. H.*, Park, S.-C. and Lee, J.-W. (2015). Source process for the 2013 Santa Cruz Islands earthquake. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, Apr. 12-17. [Poster] [ResearchGate]
- Park, S.-C.*, Lee, J.-W., Park, E. H. and Kim, S. (2014). Determination of source process and the tsunami simulation of the 2013 Santa Cruz earthquake. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, Dec. 15-19. [Poster] [ResearchGate]
In Korean
- Lee, J.-W.*, Park, E. H. and Park, S.-C. (2016). Case studies of the 2014, 2015 Chile tsunamis based on the global tsunami prediction system, Proceedings of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers Conference, Jeju-do, Rep. of Korea, Nov. 3-4. [Oral- Best Presentation Award] (in Korean)
- Lee, J.-W.*, Park, S.-C., Lee, D. and Lee, J. H. (2016). Detecting the 2011 Tohoku tsunami observed in the Ulleungdo surge gauge by TADS. Proceedings of Korean Association of Ocean Science and Technology Societies Conference, Busan, Rep. of Korea, May. 19-20. [Oral] (in Korean)
- Yang, H.*, Park, S.-C., Lee, W.-J., Park, E. H., Kim, K., Lee, J.-W., Choi, Y.-H., Lee, D. K. and Lee, J.-H. (2016) Research status on the geological hazards using miscellaneous geophysical data in NIMS. Proceedings of Korean Society of Earth and Exploration Geophysicists Conference, Seoul, Rep. of Korea, May. 12-13. [Poster] (in Korean)
- Park, S.-C.*, Lee, J.-W., Park, E. H., Yang, H., Kim, K. Y. and Lee, W.-J. (2016). Necessity of global tsunami warning system indicated by the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake. Proceedings of Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea Spring Conference, 9-10, Gyonggi-do, Rep. of Korea, Mar.18. [Oral] (in Korean)
- Park, E. H.*, Lee, J.-W., Park, S.-C. and Lee, W.-J. (2015). Source process of the 1993 Hokkaido earthquake. Proceedings of Fall Joint Conference of Geology·Mineral and Energy Resources, 150, Jeju-do, Rep. of Korea, Oct. 28-31. [Poster] (in Korean)
- Lee, J.-W.*, Park, S.-C. and Park, E. H. (2015). Analysis of Arrival Time of the 2011 Tohoku, Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Measured in Korea. Proceedings of Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea Fall Conference, 143-144, Jeju-do, Rep. of Korea, Sep. 10-12. [Oral] (in Korean)
- Lee, J.-W.*, Ahn, S.-H., Hwang, H.-S. and Cho, Y.-S. (2015). Analysis of reflection coefficients of water waves over submerged structures and trenches using eigenfunction expansion method. Proceedings of Korean Association of Ocean Science and Technology Societies Conference, 141-144, Jeju-do, Rep. of Korea, May. 21-22. [Poster] (in Korean)
- Lee, J.-W.* and Park, S.-C. (2015). Improvement of tsunami detection algorithm using moving average method. Proceedings of Korean Association of Ocean Science and Technology Societies Conference, 128-131, Jeju-do, Rep. of Korea, May. 21-22. [Poster] (in Korean)
- Park, S.-C.* and Lee, J.-W., Park, E. H. (2015). Research and development on tsunami information service and early warning. Proceedings of Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea Spring Conference, 137-138, Gyeonggi-do, Rep. of Korea, Mar. 27. [Oral] (in Korean)
- Lee, J.-W.* and Park, S.-C. (2014). Development of tsunami detection algorithm applicable to Ulleungdo surge-gauge, Proceedings of Fall Joint Annual Conference of the Geological Societies in Korea, 219, Kangwon-do, Rep. of Korea, Oct. 29-Nov. 1. [Oral] (in Korean)
- Park, S.-C.*, Hahm, I.-K., Lee, C.-W., Jo, E., Park, E. H., Kim, K., Lee, S.-K., Han, S. M., Lee, J.-W., Jeon, Y. S., Yoon, W. J. and Lee, H.-S. (2014). Research on earthquake, tsunami and volcanic eruption of the National Institute of Meteorological Research, Proceedings of Fall Joint Annual Conference of the Geological Societies in Korea, 219, Kangwon-do, Rep. of Korea, Oct. 29-Nov. 1. [Oral] (in Korean)
- Lee, J.-W.* and Park, S.-C. (2014). Numerical analyses of 2014 Chile earthquake and tsunami using global tsunami prediction system. Proceedings of Korean Society of Remote Sensing Conference, 346-349, Jeju-do, Rep. of Korea, Oct. 16-17. [Oral] (in Korean)
- Park, S.-C.* and Lee, J.-W. (2014). Fundamental research for improvement of tsunami warning system of KMA. Proceedings of Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea Conference, 85-86, Daejeon, Rep. of Korea, Sep. 25-26. [Oral] (in Korean)
- Park, S.-C.* and Lee, J.-W. (2014). Source process of the 2007 Niigata earthquake. Proceedings of Spring Joint Annual Conference of the Geological Societies in Korea, 194, Busan, Rep. of Korea, Apr. 20-23. [Oral] (in Korean)
- Lee, J.-W.* and Cho, Y.-S. (2014). Reflection coefficients of water waves by deposition among multi-arrayed submerged structures. Proceedings of Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation Conference, 505, Incheon, Rep. of Korea, Feb. 19. [Poster] (in Korean)
- Lee, J.-W.*, Wang, T. and Cho, Y.-S. (2013). Reflection of obliquely incident water waves over multi-arrayed trenches and shear currents. Proceedings of Korea Water Resources Association Conference, 924-927, Gwangju, Rep. of Korea, May. 23-24. [Poster] (in Korean)
- Park, K.-W.*, Lee, J.-W. and Cho, Y.-S. (2013). Accuracy evaluation of tsunami simulation using dispersion-correction scheme. Proceedings of Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation Conference, 315-319, Ansan, Rep. of Korea, Feb. 21. [Oral] (in Korean)
- Lee, J.-W.*, Han, S. J. and Cho, Y.-S. (2013). Analysis of reflection coefficients of water waves over shear currents with a trench topography. Proceedings of Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation Conference, 38-41, Ansan, Rep. of Korea, Feb. 21. [Oral] (in Korean)
- Lee, J.-W.*, Santos Cruz, A.U., Yang, H. (2024). Time-Integrated Coastal Flood Risk Assessment to Enhance Civil Infrastructure Resilience, Natural Hazards Research Summit 2024, University of Maryland, USA, May 14–15. [Poster] [DesignSafe]
- Lee, J.*, Lee, J.-W. (2024). Predicting Run-Up Distribution of Near-Field Tsunamis using Machine Learning Algorithms, Longhorn Research Poster Session 2024, UT-Austin, USA, Apr 1. [Poster]
- Yang, H.*, Lee, J.-W. (2024). Towards Resilient Texas: Rapid Storm Surge Prediction Using Machine Learning, Planet Texas 2050, UT-Austin, USA, Feb 27-29. [Oral]
- George, E. G.*, Lee, J.-W. (2024). Combining Building Data and Social Vulnerability Data to Improve Coastal Community Building Damage Assessments, Planet Texas 2050, UT-Austin, USA, Feb 27-29. [Poster]
- Yang, H.*, Lee, J.-W. (2024). Storm Surge Hazard Estimation for Texas Coastal Areas Using Machine Learning, 2024 CAEE Graduate Student Symposium, UT-Austin, USA, Feb 23. [Poster – 3rd Place]
- Santos Cruz, A.U.*, Lee, J.-W. (2024). Daytime and Nighttime Coastal Flood Risk Assessment in Galveston, Texas, 2024 CAEE Graduate Student Symposium, UT-Austin, USA, Feb 23. [Poster]
Before 2023
- Lee, J.-W.* (2021). How can we predict tsunamis and storm surges rapidly, accurately, and reliably? Torgersen Graduate Student Research Excellence Award, Virginia Tech, USA, May 6. [Poster]
- Lee, J.-W.*, Irish, J. L. and Marcy, D. C. (2020). Development of a storm surge model using machine learning techniques. VT Hazard Research Day, Virginia Tech, USA, Oct. 1. [Poster – 3rd Place]
- Lee, J.-W.*, Marcy, D. C. and Irish, J. L. (2020). How will sea-level rise affect storm surge hazards in coastal Virginia? Virginia Sea Grant Symposium, Richmond, VA, USA, Feb. 27. [Poster] [ResearchGate]
- Lee, J.-W.*, Irish, J. L. and Weiss, R. (2019). How could we forecast near-field tsunamis rapidly, accurately, and stably? VT Hazard Research Day, Virginia Tech, USA, Oct. 1. [Poster – 1st Place] [ResearchGate]
- Lee, J.-W., Park, S.-C., Lee, D., Ham, I. and Jo, E. (2015). User manual for global tsunami prediction system based on COMCOT. National Institute of Meteorological Sciences, NIMR-TN-2015-002. (in Korean) [PDF]
- Lee, J.-W., Park, S.-C., Jeon, Y. S., Ham, I., Lee, C.-W. and Jo, E. (2014). Development of tsunami detection algorithm using water-level data. National Institute of Meteorological Research, NIMR-TN-2014-010. (in Korean) [PDF]
- From weeks to minutes: machine-learning model predicts storm surge quickly. Virginia Sea Grant Stories. (Nov. 12, 2021) [Link]
- Beyond the sea: Two Ph.D. students describe success in disaster resilience and risk management. EXPONENTIALLY MORE STORIES at Virginia Tech. (June 7, 2021) [Link]