1. Coastal Engineering
- Coastal Wiki
- Coastal Dynamics Open Textbook – Delft University of Technology
- Marine calculators
- Extreme Event Game – National Academy of Sciences
- Save Our Shore!
2. Machine Learning
- GeostatsGuy Lectures – YouTube
- Machine Learning Mastery – Blog
- Steve Brunton – YouTube
- Deep Learning-MIT press – Book
- Python Machine Learning -GitHub
- Proceedings of Machine Learning Research
3. Data Science
- Introduction to Probability for Data Science by Stanley H. Chan
- Advanced Environmental Data Analysis by Dr. LORENZO
- Scientific Visualization: Python + Matplotlib
- QGIS tip
- Monash EAE Data Analysis in Earth Sciences
- Python Programming And Numerical Methods: A Guide For Engineers And Scientists
4. Coastal Hazards
5. Fluid Mechanics
6. UT-Austin