MSL’s senior Ph.D. student, Zejiang Wang, was awarded the George J. Heuer, Jr. Ph.D. Endowed Graduate Fellowship 2021-2022 for his excellent academic and scholarly achievements. Congratulations Zejiang!
Author Archives: Junmin Wang
The Inaugural Modeling, Estimation and Control Conference (MECC) will be Held Online and at UT-Austin Oct. 24-27, 2021
The inaugural Modeling, Estimation and Control Conference (MECC 2021) sponsored by the American Automatic Control Council (AACC) and co-sponsored by the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) will be held online and at UT-Austin Oct. 24-27, 2021. MECC2021 Call for Papers can be downloaded here.
MECC 2021 aims to serve the scientific and engineering communities with interests in the modeling, estimation, and control of cross-disciplinary mechanical systems; to provide a platform for the dissemination and discussion of the state of the art in relevant research areas; and to create opportunities for networking with colleagues. MECC 2021 will feature conference awards, contributed sessions, invited sessions, workshops, special sessions, plenary talks, keynote speeches, student programs, as well as committee meetings, industry programs, and social functions. MECC 2021 invites (1) manuscripts that report original research on all aspects of modeling, estimation, and control; and (2) proposals for invited, special, and tutorial sessions, and workshops on emerging topics.
Zejiang’s work received 2020 Automotive Systems Best Paper Award from ASME
MSL’s paper “Real-Time Driver Model Parameter Identification: An Algebraic Approach” authored by Zejiang and Prof. Wang received the 2020 Automotive and Transportation Systems Best Paper Award at the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 2020 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference. Congratulations!
Selection of this ATS best paper award was made by a committee of 11 experts in the field of automotive and transportation systems.