Monthly Archives: January 2013

Harry Ransom Center, Summer 2013 Undergraduate Internships

The Harry Ransom Center, a humanities research library and museum at The University of Texas at Austin, announces its 2013 summer internships. The Center will select six undergraduate interns: four University of Texas at Austin students and two students from other accredited colleges or universities. These 14-hour-per-week positions will provide undergraduates with experience in the nature and operations of a major humanities research center. Students will be paid hourly and receive approximately $1,500 for the summer, contingent on hours actually worked. The Creekmore and Adele Fath Charitable Foundation has provided generous funding for these internships.

Selected interns will choose from a variety of opportunities within the Center, including working with exhibitions, public affairs, marketing, archives, and a variety of curatorial departments (these may include art, film, photography, performing arts, rare books, and manuscripts). Interns will begin on June 10, 2013 and work until August 16, 2013. The experience gained by interns will benefit them in their own research projects, in possible graduate studies, and in careers in such fields as librarianship, museum studies, archival or curatorial work, as well as public affairs, marketing, and public programming.

Interested undergraduates can find more information about the internships, including a list of past projects here:

Eligibility: University of Texas undergraduates must have been enrolled for at least six hours during the spring 2013 semester, with plans to enroll in the fall or they must be enrolled for at least three credit hours during the summer 2013 session. Undergraduates from other academic institutions must have been enrolled at their institution during the spring 2013 semester for at least six semester hours or must be enrolled in their institution for three semester hours during the summer. Students from other academic institutions will need to provide proof of spring (or summer) enrollment and classification before being appointed to the position.

To Apply: Applicants should submit a one-page resumé, a cover letter from the student describing his/her interests and qualifications, and two letters of recommendation from faculty members or others familiar with the student’s professional qualifications. Letters of recommendation should be addressed to Danielle Brune Sigler, Assistant Director and Curator for Academic Programs, and should be submitted in sealed, signed envelopes together with all application materials. Complete applications, including letters of recommendation, must be received by March 15 for consideration. Late submissions will not be considered.

If mailing via U.S. Postal Service:

Attn: Summer 2013 Undergraduate Internships Danielle Brune Sigler Harry Ransom CenterP.O. Drawer 7219 Austin, TX 78713-7219

If mailing via UPS or FedEx:

Attn: Summer 2013 Undergraduate Internships Danielle Brune Sigler Harry Ransom Center 300 West 21st Street, Austin, TX 78712

Austin residents may hand deliver application materials to the Harry Ransom Center’s administrative suite on the third floor.

Contact Danielle Brune Sigler with questions:

Talk: Social Discourse Aboard the Hindi Urdu Flagship

Note: Students who voted for a Reacting Maymester in India will be especially interested in this!

Rupert Snell, Professor in the Department of Asian Studies and Director of the HIndi Urdu Flagship will give a talk on “Social Discours Aboard the Hindi Urdu Flagship” this Wednesday, Jan 23rd in the Union Sinclair Room, UNB 3.128.

Students who learn Hindi and Urdu in parallel must encounter two complementary sets of culturally-marked social conventions. Dr. Snell’s talk discusses this diversity in the context of the close but often vexed relationship between Hindi and Urdu, and shows how even the simplest greetings conversations call for an informed sensitivity to matters of register, honorific level, and religio-cultural background. The talk will include an 8-minute introduction to Devanagari (the Hindi script), enabling all comers to read simple words with nimble ease.

Page Positions at the Briscoe Center for American History

The Briscoe Center seeks applicants for student page positions.  They need students who are available to work anywhere between 9 to 19 hrs a week.  The average number of hours worked by undergraduate students is 9  hours per week.  If your schedule meshes with the hours that they need coverage, then you could work more hours than the average.  Interested students should go to the  Briscoe Center’s website,  The pay is $7.26 per hour.
Margaret Schlankey
Head of Reference Services
Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
The University of Texas at Austin
Sid Richardson Hall
1 University Station D1100
Austin, Texas  78712-0335

Spring Archer Fellowship Program Info Session and Open Hours

Interested in learning about public policy firsthand by living, interning, and taking in-residence classes in Washington, D.C., for a fall or spring semester?

 If the answer is yes, the Archer Fellowship Program may be for you! Come learn about this unique program by attending an information session in FAC 4 on Thursday, January 31st, from 4-5:30 p.m. We’ll also host open hours in FAC 4 that Thursday (10 am-3 pm) and Friday (10 am-2 pm) for students who would like assistance with the application process. Feel free to bring drafts of your application materials for Archer Center staff and alumni to review.

Applications for the 2013-2014 academic year are due on Friday, February 22nd. Weekly application tips will be posted on Facebook:  like UT Austin Archer Fellowship Program to stay informed.

Questions? Please contact Rose Mastrangelo at

Headliners Foundation Undergraduate Scholarship

The College of Liberal Arts is now recruiting applicants for the Headliners Foundation Undergraduate Scholarship 2013 – 2014.  This is $6,000 award for students who excel in writing and who have a serious interest in journalism.

To access the application please go to the Foundation’s website and click the Scholarships Tab to see all four documents that comprise the application.  It should be submitted directly to the Headliners Foundation, the deadline being February 15th.  I am happy to respond to any questions students may have about their applications.

College of Liberal Arts students, first invited to apply in 2005, have enjoyed great success (see below).

All best wishes, Larry Carver


Headliners Foundation Scholarship Winners

2005 – Delaney Hall, Rebekah Perry, and Rachel Pearson

2006 – Kim Garza, Ryan Guerrero, Daniel Carter, J.J. Hermes, and Tobias Salinger.

2007 – Ingrid Norton, Monica Riese, Jesse Cordes Selbin, and Margaret Sharp

2008 – Andrew Kreighbaum, Jonathan Tjarks, Brad Gray, Monica Riese, and Leah Finnegan.

2009 – Andrew Kreighbaum and Lauren Winchester

2010 – Andrew Kreighbaum, Elana Estrin, and Molly Wahlberg

2011 – Audrey White, Nadia Macias, and Susannah Jacob

2012 – Audrey White and Susannah Jacob

LAHers Needed to help with LAH Info Sessions beginning Friday, Jan 25 10:00-11:00

I need a couple of LAHers to volunteer to serve as LAH Student Ambassadors to meet and greet prospective students and their families at our LAH Information Sessions this spring semester. Your responsibilities would be to speak with our guests about your experiences in LAH, UT, dorm life, etc..  basically everything about being a student at UT and in LAH. The sessions begin Friday, January 25 from 10:00-11:00 in the LAH back seminar room and run every Monday and Friday until April 29. (not during Spring Break)  If you can make it for both days great! If not, that’s ok as long as I have other student representatives.  Please email me: if you are interested. Thanks!

Free Poetry Workshop

The Blanton is proud to have inspired great poems by Texas writers. This spring, find your creativity in a workshop taught by poet Vive Griffith. Participants in this free workshop will learn forms and techniques for creating new poems about artworks in the museum.

DATE: Sunday, January 20

TIME: 2:00–4:00 PM
LOCATION: Blanton Museum of Art
ADMISSION: Free; register in advance by emailing


Adam Bennett
Manager of Public Programs

Echo Literary Magazine Accepting Submissions

This is just another reminder that the Echo Literary Magazine is accepting submissions of poetry, prose, and photography. Submissions are due at the end of spring break, so time is running out to submit your writing!

For more information check out or just submit to