If you are interested in applying for Psychology, make sure you attend one of their upcoming info sessions!
More details on their website.
If you are interested in applying for Psychology, make sure you attend one of their upcoming info sessions!
More details on their website.
ACE is currently hiring over 100 AmeriCorps members to serve as full-time literacy tutors in Austin, beginning in September. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to gain valuable professional experience by giving back to their community, while earning an education award of $5,550 to help further their education.
Any help that you can provide will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Nathan Kinsman
ACE Recruitment and
Outreach Coordinator
ACE: A Community for Education
The Charles A. Dana Center
The University of Texas at Austin
1616 Guadalupe St., Suite 3.206
Austin, TX 78701
Office phone: 512.471.6764
Cell phone: 207.329.6864
Fax: 512.471.6193