Daily Archives: February 22, 2013

Apply for Junior Fellows

Junior Fellows

The Junior Fellows Program was begun in 1959 by Harry Ransom as a means of encouraging academic excellence in the College of Arts and Sciences. At that time it was essentially an honor society to which students were elected at the end of their freshman year. Over the years, the Junior Fellows has evolved into a society of juniors and seniors from the University at large who are engaged in independent research projects under the direction of members of the faculty.

Fellows are required to attend meetings of the group, held every other week in both the fall and spring semesters. Besides project presentations, meetings feature discussions led by eminent scholars from on and off campus. Fellows have the opportunity to participate in field trips, seminars, and other academic activities. It is possible to earn academic credit for work done as a Junior Fellow, by enrolling in the appropriate conference course with the supervising professor. For example, Humanities and Plan II majors usually use their senior theses as their Junior Fellows projects. Students pursuing Special Honors in their major use the honors thesis number. Other non-honors courses are also available, for example ARH 376, E 367C, CH 475K, RTF 336. Fellows should register for the course that is approved by their advisers, fits into their degree plans, and has the right format for the chosen topic. Funds are available to assist Fellows with expenses involved in their research. There is also money available for Fellows who can demonstrate financial need.

Application Procedure

Application is open to any qualified student from any program on campus who will have completed 60 hours prior to the Fall semester. Junior Fellows normally have a GPA of at least 3.75, but outstanding students whose abilities are manifested in other ways should not hesitate to apply. Although administered by the College of Liberal Arts, the program is open to all qualified students on campus. Many students from outside Liberal Arts are presently members.

For more information, contact Dr. Larry Carver (carver@austin.utexas.edu) in the Liberal Arts Honors Office by email or phone at 471-3458.

Download Application Form <http://www.utexas.edu/cola/student-affairs/_files/pdf/jr_fellows_app_2010.pdf> (PDF, 104K)

Applications are due Friday, March 22, 2013 for the 2013-2014 academic year.

Membership in Junior Fellows begins the fall semester following the spring recruitment period.

First General Meeting for Central Texas Model UN, Wednesday, Feb. 27 7:00 pm PAR 1

First General Meeting for Central Texas Model United Nations (CTMUN).

Wednesday, February 27th, Parlin 1, 7 pm.
This meeting will primarily introduce the new officers and discuss preliminary plans for next semester’s conference, CTMUN 2013. We will also make a few big announcements about CTMUN events this semester.
Model United Nations is an organization which simulates the structure of the United Nations as way to immerse students in world affairs and international diplomacy.
 If  you have questions, email Shreya Banerjee: relations@ctmun.org


Been working on a short story or poem? Been taking some photographs?

Submit them to ECHO for the chance to be published in our 2013 Issue. We are doing our best to make this ECHO the best one yet, but the most important part is the content, and for that we need you! Our theme for the issue is “Flux,” but keep in mind that is a loose guideline.

So finish that story, finish that poem, finish those pictures, and submit them to ECHO by March 20.

You can submit your work by emailing echolitmag@gmail.com.