If you are interested in applying for Psychology, make sure you attend one of their upcoming info sessions!
More details on their website.
If you are interested in applying for Psychology, make sure you attend one of their upcoming info sessions!
More details on their website.
ACE is currently hiring over 100 AmeriCorps members to serve as full-time literacy tutors in Austin, beginning in September. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to gain valuable professional experience by giving back to their community, while earning an education award of $5,550 to help further their education.
Any help that you can provide will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Nathan Kinsman
ACE Recruitment and
Outreach Coordinator
ACE: A Community for Education
The Charles A. Dana Center
The University of Texas at Austin
1616 Guadalupe St., Suite 3.206
Austin, TX 78701
Office phone: 512.471.6764
Cell phone: 207.329.6864
Fax: 512.471.6193
In America today, a gap in academic achievement separates kids in low-income communities from their higher-income peers, and this divide falls too often along racial and cultural lines. Only eight percent of students growing up in poverty graduate from college by age 24, compared to 80 percent of students in more affluent areas. This limits life options, affects families and communities, and has significant social and economic implications for our country. It doesn’t have to be this way. We know we must fight to give all kids a great education and the countless opportunities that come with it, regardless of their zip code or background.
JOIN THE MOVEMENT: TEACH FOR AMERICA FINAL application deadline is February 15th.
Teach For America is the national corps of outstanding recent college graduates, graduate students, and professionals who commit to teach for two years in urban and rural public schools and become lifelong leaders in social justice. This year, more than 10,000 corps member are teaching in 46 regions across the country, while nearly 28,000 Teach For America alumni continue working from inside and outside the field of education for the fundamental changes necessary to ensure our nation lives up to its ideals.
By teaching for two years in Teach For America’s corps, you will join thousands of leaders, including many UT-Austin alumni, helping fight one of the most urgent social, ethical, moral, and economic injustices of our generation. You can put your students on a different life path through academic success, and develop the skills, insights, and personal commitment needed to be an agent for change in the long-term.
What’s required for the online application?
*No letters of recommendation are required for the initial online application.
If you’re interested in gaining more information about Teach For America, please contact Adam Reichow at adam.reichow@teachforamerica.org, or follow us at www.facebook.com/LonghornsTFA
RSVP for the Lead Now Speaker Series: Learn leadership lessons directly from today’s change makers including Wendy Kopp, Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh, and Echoing Green President Cheryl Dorsey. Attend from anywhere – Lead Now events are virtual and open to everyone.
“Reading Ulysses at 90″
A lecture by Dr. Alan Friedman
February 14 at 3pm
Harry Ransom Center
Prothro Theater
Sponsored by the UT School of Information and the Modernist Versions Project
More information: www.inletters.com/projects/ulysses90/
If you are interested in participating in the UT Semester in Los Angeles program, please note: the online application for fall 2013, spring and summer 2014 is now open! The application will close at noon on February 28, 2013. Log in with your UT EID and start your application today!
The program is open to all UT students who are passionate about film, television, music or digital arts, and are interested in exploring related careers in the entertainment industry. Students earn UT in-residence credit.
Applicants must be currently enrolled degree-seeking students in good standing who have:
• A minimum of 60 credit hours and a minimum GPA of 2.25 by the semester of participation;
• RTF 305 “Intro to Media Studies,” or equivalent, by the semester of participation.
“Like” UTLA on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/University-of-Texas-Semester-in-Los-Angeles-Program-UTLA/289549664437288?skip_nax_wizard=true
Or, call the UTLA Center, toll free, at 877-875-2111
Information Session for 2013 Belize Archaeological Field School
Directed by Professor Fred Valdez, Department of Anthropology
Wednesday, February 6
SAC 4.174
Summer 2013 Program Dates
1st program session: May 19-June 16
2nd program session: June 16-July 14
For information and application, please visit the program Web site at:
There are two more information sessions for our Summer 13 Faculty-Led Study Abroad programs in:
Santander, Spain (only 2nd session open at this time)
Salvador, Brazil
Tuesday, Feb. 5 MEZ 2.210 4-5pm
Monday, Feb. 11 PAR 310 4-5pm
The deadline for these programs/sessions has been extended to February 15!
The American Renaissance Society at the University of Texas at Austin is looking for new members! (a registered UT student organization)
We meet on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Tuesday’s of the month at 7pm at the Caffé Medici on Guadalupe St to discuss a variety of intellectually engaging topics ranging from American foreign policy to the greatest rock albums of the 20th century. Diversity of backgrounds and viewpoints are welcome and encouraged, and meetings are casual and usually last about an hour, or until all those in attendance have contributed whatever they have to say. Our topic this week is “What is Love?”
Love is one of the most powerful feelings that we as human beings can experience. Men and women throughout history have at times thrown away their careers, their reputations, their relationship with their families, and even their kingdoms or empires for the sake of being with the one they loved. And yet for all its power, love is widely misunderstood. Though contemplated in classical philosophy (Plato’s “Symposium” probably being the best example), the power of love has often been ignored or seen as unimportant by more modern philosophers such as Hobbes and Locke, who instead focused the bulk of their attention instead on self-interest. But is self-interest really more powerful than love, and if it is, why are people so often willing to sacrifice their self-interest for the sake of love? Moreover, what exactly is the nature of love? Is it a desire to attain the beautiful and make ourselves immortal through reproduction (as Socrates argues in the “Symposium”), or is it instead, as Aristophanes argued, an instinct rather than a conscious effort, and one which is entirely devoid of self-interest, yet still the most powerful force acting on human beings?
Tuesday, February 5 at 7:00 pm, Caffé Medici on Guadalupe
Like us on Facebook.com/americanrenaissancesociety
First event: a speech by Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield on Wednesday, February 27, at 12:30 pm, here at the LBJ School. Here is the link for the invitation: http://ambassadorthomas-greenfield.eventbrite.com/
Second event: networking event with Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield and other Department of State officers, Thursday, February 28, at 6 pm, at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in San Antonio.
*If you would like to go to the event in San Antonio, please contact Linda for the invitation. This event is specifically for networking and will be most useful for Seniors.*