Monthly Archives: February 2013

Mexico – International Travel

As part of the UT Study Abroad’s initiatives to reinstate student mobility to Mexico, conditional approval was received from the International Oversight Committee ( for two sites in Mexico for one year starting in May 2013.  The programs are open to students from all colleges and schools:

1.      Exchange Option (summer, fall & spring)  – Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM) in the city of Querétaro

2.      Affiliate Option (summer, fall & spring)  – Institute for Study Abroad, Butler University (IFSA) in the city of Mérida  

In order for students to be eligible for these programs, they must attend an International Travel Workshop on the following dates:

1.      February 7, 2013 from 4:30  – 6 pm

2.      February 22, 2013 from 4:30  – 6 pm

This will be an opportunity for prospective and enlisted students to ask questions, learn about health & safety, and other concerns associated with travel to Mexico, before final program deadlines for Summer 2013 and Fall 2013, which are February 15th and March 1st respectively.

Global Youth Connect August Programs



AGE RANGES: 18 – 35 (RWANDA Program)  &  16 – 30 (NYC Program)


Global Youth Connect, a human rights education and activism

organization, is accepting applications from budding young human

rights leaders for its Summer 2013 programs, which will take place in

Rwanda and in New York City.


Each program brings youth from around the world together with youth

and young adults in the host location (Rwanda or NYC) to engage all

together in three key activities:

(1) an intensive cross cultural human rights workshop;

(2) visits/meetings with local and international organizations, as

well as government officials;

(3) volunteer service with grassroots NGOs on a variety of human

rights issues including but not limited to: education, health care,

food/shelter, access to justice, human rights of marginalized persons

(including children/youth, women, low-income populations, LGBTQ

populations, indigenous populations, genocide survivors).


The application deadline for both programs is February 15, 2013.



Some scholarships are available. Please download an application for

more details.


For more details and to download an application please visit:


For the Summer 2012 Human Rights in the USA program report, please visit:–%202012%20Program%20Report.pdf

For the Summer 2012 Human Rights in Rwanda program report, please visit:


Read about the experience of previous participants:


The Duchess of Malfi Tickets and Talk for Honors Students

The Duchess of Malfi is considered by many to be the greatest Renaissance tragedy not written by Shakespeare.  For those interested in learning more about John Webster’s play, English Professor Frank Whigham will be giving a free lecture in the Joynes Reading Room (CRD 007) on Thursday, February 7 at 7:00 pm.  His talk will be on “Sexual and Social Mobility in The Duchess of Malfi.” The following week, students can see actors from The American Shakespeare Center perform the play on campus.

Through the sponsorship of the University Honors Center and the L.L. and Ethel E. Dean Endowment, a limited number of discounted tickets for the February 13th performance will be available to students who attend the free February 7th lecture. Ticket applications will be available on a first come, first served basis at the February 7th lecture in The Joynes Reading Room.

Professor Whigham is one of the world’s experts on The Duchess of Malfi.  His article on the play, originally published in PMLA and reprinted multiple times, is one of the most important works of recent criticism on John Webster’s tragedy, which is also discussed in his book, Seizures of the Will in Early Modern English Drama (Cambridge University Press, 1996).  Professor Whigham will introduce some of the play’s key ideas and answer questions from the audience.

For more information, write to or call 512-471-5787


Global Professional Training

Are you interested in living, studying or working in the Middle East?  Do you want to gain cross-cultural communication and leadership skills?  Are you an international student from the Middle East who wants to connect to other students from or studying the Middle East?  If so, consider applying to the:

Global Professional Training:

Communicating, Working and Leading in the Middle East

The Global Professional Training (GPT) is a unique two-day event of speakers, panels, and networking to engage with a wide array of topics about the Middle East.

Take advantage of this opportunity to:

  • Explore an international career
  • Enhance your cross-cultural communication skills
  • Expand your cultural competency in Middle Eastern/Western affairs

DATE: April 6-7, 2013

LOCATION: The Thompson Conference Center at the University of Texas Austin

COST: A charge of $100 will be posted to your What I Owe Account when you register and removed upon successful completion of the retreat. If you attend, you will never need to pay the charge.

WHO IS ELIGIBLE? Undergraduate and graduate students in good standing at UT who can demonstrate interest in and relevance to Middle Eastern topics.

WHAT CAN I EXPECT? Speakers on the Middle East, training from cross-cultural experts, leadership development exercises, and networking with colleagues with similar interests from across campus.

HOW CAN I FIND OUT MORE? Visit our website at for more information.  Like our Facebook page Global Professional Training | UT Austin International Office for regular updates.  Attend one of our information sessions:

Monday February 4 at 1:00 pm in Mezes 1.122

Tuesday February 5 at 4:00 pm in Engineering-Science Building 314

HOW CAN I SIGN UP? Click here to complete the application.  The application is due Friday, March 1 at midnight.  Spaces are limited.

The GPT is offered by UT International Office, the UT Division for Continuing and Innovative Education, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Department of Electrical Engineering, and the Center for International Business Education.