Welcome to the workshops archive. Below is a list of workshops offered in the past by the LLILAS Benson Digital Scholarship Office, UT Libraries, and/or other departments. Be on the lookout for any upcoming workshops in our main “Programming” page!
Teaching Mexican American Studies through Local Archives and Community-Based Pedagogy
Web Mapping: Intro to ArcGIS Story Maps using Benson collections
Distant Viewing Posters from El Salvador’s Civil War
Multilingual Sentiment Analysis Workshop
Topic Modeling Violence in Guatemala
Justice-Based Practices for Archives and Critical Digital Humanities
Analyzing Colombia’s Painful Memory with Voyant Tools
Building the Benson Collection: Analyzing Castañeda’s Social Network
Mapping Images of Mexico’s 1910 Centenario
Mapping the Migration of 16th-Century Friars with Carto
Scraping and Transforming Research Data: The Case of Peña Nieto’s Tweets
Sharing and Publishing Research Data: Finding a “Forever Home” for Your Work
Visualizing Santa Anna’s Networks: Introduction to Gephi
Web Scraping Primary Sources from the Internet Archive