The MTMOD Summer School is a project-based intensive learning experience in earthquake science and computational geophysics. The instructional team is made up of researchers of the Megathrust Modeling Framework project (, which is an NSF-funded Frontier Research in Earth Science collaborative effort to advance our understanding of megathrust earthquakes.
The curriculum is rooted in the Legacy Cycle learning model, which mimics the activities of a practicing scientist and frames the curriculum in the context of stages a researcher typically works through when approaching a problem.
Explore curriculum content by subject (coming soon!)
August 7-11, Austin, TX
Team research challenge questions: How does the thermo-mechanical and tectonic setting of the large Japan region relate to different styles of seismicity on the Japan and Nankai Troughs? How do we go from regional tectonics to understanding seismic cycle time-scale loading and rupture scenarios?
Instructors/mentors: Becker, Cattania, Gabriel, Han, Johnson, Kaneko, Kato, Liu, May, Saffer, Trugman.

- Introduction and statement of challenge (Becker) Slides | Recording
- L1 Slow slip and earthquake cycles behavior on the Japan and Nankai Trench (Kato) Slides | Recording
- L2 Long-term cycle constraints on the Japan and Nankai Trench (Johnson) Slides | Recording
- L3 Active and passive source seismological constraints on Nankai and Japan trenches (Han) Slides | Recording
- L4 Rupture dynamics and scaling (Kaneko) Slides | Recording
- L5 Rock mechanics and drilling constraints (Saffer) Slides | Recording
- T1 Thermo-mechanical state of the megathrust interface (Hobson and May)
- T2 Stress inversions (Sun and Trugman) Slides
- T3 Asperity modeling – from locking to nucleation (Cattania)
- T4 Rupture dynamics and scaling (Kaneko) Slides | Recording (begins at 1:32)
August 8-12 , Austin, TX
Team research challenge questions: Asses the time-dependent hazard following the Kaikoura, NZ earthquake.
Instructors/mentors: Becker, Cattania, Christophersen, Gabriel, Johnson, Liu, Materna, Trugman, Wallace

- Introduction and statement of challenge (Becker/ Wallace)
- L1 Introduction to earthquake physics (Becker) Slides | Recording
- L2 Rate and state friction (Lavier) Slides | Recording (starts at 1:10:00)
- L3 Rupture and cycle physics (Gabriel) Slides | Recording
- L4 Probabilistic SHA and triggering (Trugman) Slides | Recording
- L5 Megathrusts, NZ, and Kaikoura (Wallace) Slides | Recording
- L6 Expert elicitation (Christophersen) Slides | Recording
- December 2021 earthquake sequence at the Mendocino Triple Junction (Materna) Slides | Recording
Software and Resources:
Links to software and resources used on our Software page.