
MTMOD Teaching and Research Software Packages and Computing Environments

  1. Software for 2022-2023 MTMOD Summer Schools. The MTMOD GitHub repository contains the installation instruction to create the computing environment for the following tools. Also, a docker image dunyuliu/mtmod:2023dev1 is available, which has most of the packages, and computing environments such as PETSc and FEniCS pre-installed.
    • okada_wrapper: MATLAB and Python wrappers of the Okada Green’s functions by Ben Thompson.
    • Elastic_stresses_py: coseismic stress and displacement calculator by Kathryn Materna.
    • crs: a parallel code to calculate rate-state seismicity evolution induced by time dependent, heterogeneous Coulomb stress changes by Camilla Cattania. 
    • d94: MATLAB tutorials to calculate seismicity forecasts based on Dieterich (1994) by Camilla Cattania.
    • SeisSol and SeisSol Tutorial: parallel solution for earthquake dynamic ruptures by Alice Gabriel. 
    • RateState and ViscoQD: MATLAB tutorials for 1D fault rate-state friction simulations by Kaj Johnson . 
    • Earthquake-python-examples: a set of Jupyter notebook tutorials by Daniel Trugman.  
    • FaultDynamics: 2D Spectrum Element Method earthquake fault rupture dynamics in Python by Yoshihiro Kaneko.
  2. Earth-from-lab-to-planet-tutorials: a suite of Jupyter notebook tutorials for undergraduate course Earth From Lab to Planet that covers ODE basics, pendulum(s), rate- and state- friction, deterministic chaos, Stokes with FEniCSx, land evolution with LandLab tookkit, Lorenz, and heat conduction by Thorsten Becker and Dunyu Liu.
  3. Forward/inverse framework with FEniCS and hIPPYlib for earthquake coseismic slip on GitHub; article by Simone Puel (Puel et al., 2022, GJI).
  4. GrowClust3D.jl: Julia-based implementation of GrowClust relative earthquake relocation by Daniel Trugman (Trugman et al., 2022, SRL).
  5. ParametricModelUtils: tools for defining and running parametric computational models by Dave May. It is used by SZ_2D_thermal_structure.
  6. StressInversion.jl: Julia code for crustal stress inversions based on earthquake focal mechanism data by Daniel Trugmen.
  7. SZ_2D_thermal_structure: by Gabrielle Hobson and Dave May, which uses ParametricModelUtils.
  8. fdra-mtmod: simple quasi-dynamic earthquake cycle code (planar faults, rate-state friction) in MATLAB by Camilla Cattania, modified from FDRA: Fault Dynamics with a Radiation Damping Approximation.

MTMOD Collaborators’ Products

  1. SeisSol: Earthquake dynamic rupture and seismic wave propagation. For more information, please visit SeisSol website.  
  2. CRS: A parallel code to calculate rate-state seismicity evolution induced by time dependent, heterogeneous Coulomb stress changes by Camilla Cattania.
  3. EQquasi: parallel 3D finite element solution of earthquake cycles with rate- and state friction (Liu et al., 2020, GJI)
  4. EQdyna: parallel 3D finite element solution of earthquake dynamic ruptures and ground shaking from geometrically complex fault systems.
  5. Interact – Elastic half space fault interaction and co-seismic slip inversion via Okada solution BEM by Thorsten Becker. 

Other Useful Resources

  1. HBI – Boundary element solution of earthquake cycle by So Ozawa (Ozawa et al., 2022, preprint).