Category Archives: Meetings

UTARC general meetings are usually held every two weeks, at 6pm on Thursday in ETC 2.132. However, variations may happen. Please check below for the latest meeting schedules.

Fall 2018 meeting schedule

Greetings radio enthusiasts!

We have just received the room reservations for our Fall 2018 general meetings. As usual, these meetings are open to everyone. Each meeting starts with a discussion on ham radio topics and then we move up to the N5XU radio shack to make some contacts or otherwise have fun with the radios. The official meeting time is from 6pm to 7pm, but some of us stay longer in the shack at times.

Date Time Location
Monday, September 10 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm ECJ 1.304
Tuesday, September 25 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm ETC 2.132
Monday, October 8 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm ETC 2.132
Tuesday, October 23 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm ETC 2.132
Monday, November 5 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm ETC 2.132
Tuesday, November 20 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm ETC 2.132
Monday, December 3 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm ETC 2.132
Tuesday, December 18 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm ETC 2.132

UTARC is active during summer too!

We usually have meetings during the fall and spring semesters, but this doesn’t mean we can’t meet and use the N5XU shack during summer!
Some members of the club continue to use the shack during the summer, with the aid of an a/c unit that keeps the shack cool. If you are interested in using the radios in the shack, or just want to know more about ham radio and our club, you are welcome to contact us. We will be happy to assist and introduce you to UTARC.

It’s 2018 and UTARC is STILL alive, well, and meeting

Here is the announcement from our new President, Stefano Nerozzi, N5STT, for Spring 2018

I’m happy to announce that the first UTARC meeting of 2018 will be tomorrow, January 25 at 7pm in the main lounge on the 2nd floor of ETC.

The tentative schedule for the rest of the semester is the following:

Feb 6, Feb 22, Mar 6, Mar 22, Apr 3, Apr 19, May 1

Alternating between Tuesday and Thursday seemed the best option for everyone’s schedule in the past, so I decided to keep it that way.

Starting with the new semester I’d like to set up an agenda of topics of interest to be discussed in each meeting. Everyone’s suggestions are welcome!