Category Archives: News

Latest news about N5XU

N5XU – Officers for 2019

After the hotly contested election last spring, the ballots have finally been validated, and the officers for 2019 were forced to STAND UP at last night’s meeting.

From left we have Sameer Bibikar, Treasurer; Kenneth Mitra, Vice-President; and leading us in 2019 is President, Michael Taleff.

Both congrats and sincere thanx to this team for providing the leadership for N5XU for the upcoming year!!!

We are updating our website

We are currently making significant changes to the layout of the website to facilitate navigation. We want make it easier for everyone to find relevant info on how to contact and join us, and learn about our most recent activities.

Starting with next fall, we will publish our club meetings time and locations under the meetings category. Stay tuned!