Nature article on 2D-Silicon nanotechnology

The combination of 2D materials and Silicon arguably represents the biggest application of these materials in advancing commercial semiconductor applications.

As such, a review article on the progress, opportunities and challenges for graphene/2D materials integration on Silicon for heterogeneous 3D nanotechnology was commissioned and is now available at Nature journal.

This is a balanced review featuring academia and industry leaders in the area of 2D materials and Silicon technology.

The article link is below.

Atomristors: Discovery of memory effect in 2D sheets

Our recent work on the discovery of universal memory effect in 2D monolayer atomic sheets is now published in nanoletters (PDF). It has been selected as ACS Editor’s Choice and hence available freely for everyone. Congrats to Ruijing and Xiaohan, Prof. Jack Lee, Peking University collaborators and the entire team for their hard work on this discovery research.

Several news reports have been released.

UT News Release

IEEE Spectrum

Nature Nanotechnology

Chemistry & Engineering News (C&EN)

Nanowerk News

Science Policy News

Graphene Tattoo Sensors: BBC front page and over a dozen media news story

Graphene electronic tattoo sensors have been realized. congrats to postdoc scholar Shideh Ameri who led the work in collaboration with Nanshu Lu’s group.

Also widely reported in the news, and is featured on BBC 

APS Fellow class of 2017

Through the hard work of many students, the support of many colleagues, the love of family and friends, and the Grace of God; Prof. Akinwande has been selected as a Fellow of the American Physical Society, awarded to less than 0.5% of physicists.

Citation: For contributions to the physical study and development of scalable uniform monolayer graphene synthesis on wafer-scale substrates, and the realization of GHz flexible and wearable two-dimensional devices, circuits and systems.

IEDM2017: 2 papers accepted and highlighted in News

Two papers have been accepted for presentation at IEDM 2017. IEDM is the premier conference for the latest advances in device technology and applications.

-Paper on graphene-cmos integration for sensors

-Paper on flexible paper electronics based on 2D materials (selected as a technical highlight of the conference) and featured by NEWs Media

Akinwande selected as Inaugural Gordon Moore Inventor Fellow

Prof. Akinwande has been selected as an Inaugural Gordon Moore Inventor Fellow.