Ted Hughes’s will stipulates that there be no official biography of his life. Scholar Jonathan Bate worked with the Hughes’s estate for four years to create an account of a “literary life.” The result is Ted Hughes: The Unauthorised Life (Harper, October 2015). When the estate suddenly revoked its permission… read more
Q & A with poet Srikanth Reddy
Srikanth Reddy talks poetry, inspiration, and professorship in anticipation of his talk on November 5, 7 p.m. at the Ransom Center. Innovative and experimental in his writing, Reddy has
Texas, the state that stole the heart of literary giant Jorge Luis Borges
In 2014 the Harry Ransom Center acquired the archive of Nobel Prize–winning author Gabriel García Márquez. García Márquez would surely enjoy knowing that his archive resides alongside an important collection of papers by Jorge Louis Borges.