Explore the Harry Ransom Center, search digital collections, or plan your visit. It’s spring: the “mud-luscious”’ and “puddle-wonderful” season whistled in by E. E. Cummings’s most famous poetic creature. He is the little, lame, queer, old man selling balloons: “the goat-footed balloonMan.”
African American artists and writers in the Limited Editions Club
The stories I selected span three decades and show (Zora Neal) Hurston’s diversity in writing styles and subject matter. I created my illustrations from fragments of fabric, paper and faded photos. The layering of images, patterns and textures evoke the feeling of memory and old tales retold. So they become,… read more
Caroling Dusk, An Anthology of Verse by Negro Poets
This is the last of a three-part series of posts highlighting the influence and work of Countée Cullen, a poet and editor during the Harlem Renaissance. Cullen used the special issue of Palms as a springboard for a book-length anthology. Caroling Dusk, An Anthology of Verse by Negro Poets, was… read more