The Effectiveness of Various Texas Child Support Collection Strategies
Authors: Deanna Schexnayder, Jerome Olson, Jennifer Beck, Ying Tang, Hyunsub Kum, Daniel Schroeder, Patricia Norman, and Daniel P. O’Shea
Date: February 2001
Publication Type: Report, 99pp.
This report studies the effectiveness of several child support collection strategies in increasing the total amount of child support collected from the noncustodial parents on its caseload. Three of these strategies are analyzed in this report. They include:
- Increasing the child support ‘pass-through’ to families receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF),
- Arresting noncustodial parents who are delinquent in their child support payments through a coordinated effort known as a ‘round-up’, and
- Participating in an ‘access and visitation’ program when conflict among the parents created the need for some type of supervised visitation or exchange.
Included are findings and policy implications of all these child support collection strategies for low-income families.
Also Available: Executive Summary, 9pp.
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