Nuru Nigeria: 2020 Short Term Impacts
Principal Authors: Ray Marshall Center
Co-Author: Nuru Nigeria
Date: September 2020
Publication Type: Report, 14pp.
This report is commissioned by Nuru International.
RMC researchers, Dr. Heath Prince and Ashweeta Patnaik, have completed an interim short term impact report for the four-year impact evaluation of Nuru International’s programming in Nigeria. Nuru Nigeria’s mission is to eradicate extreme poverty in fragile rural areas to build communities resilient to violent extremism. The goal of the multi-year impact evaluation is to study, through a development economics lens, how Nuru’s anti-poverty interventions in Nigeria impact resiliency to shocks. The results presented in this short term impact report reflect the initial limited set of intervention activities implemented from July 2019 to June 2020. The report sets out the follow-up status of various short-term impact indicators and makes comparisons with baseline values for the same indicators and among the same panel of respondents. The report supports continuous improvement by providing Nuru Nigeria with information regarding program progress within the implementation period.