First-Year Case Competition

The Annual First-Year Case Competition, hosted by the Student Engineering Council, is an opportunity for first-year engineering students to gain experience with case competitions and be introduced to the field of consulting. In the last two years, nearly 40 teams of 3-4 first-year engineers participated, learned to successfully develop a case, and presented their solution to a panel of judges.



This event includes a Kick-Off, where the teams are introduced to the case competition concept, shown a sample case, and first given their prompt and case packets. Three case workshops are held in the following week: each one is hosted by a different organization and centers on a different aspect of the prompt and case prep. Competition Day consists of preliminary and final rounds, each consisting of a ten minute presentation, five minutes of Q&A, and five minutes of judges’ feedback for the participants.


Teams are to consist of up to 4 people (an exception of one-engineering major).  No prior case competition is necessary. We’ll guide you through the process.



Kick-Off: Wednesday, 10/26, 6:00PM – 7:00PM

Workshop 1: Thursday, 10/27, 5:00PM – 6:00PM

Workshop 2: Tuesday, 11/1, 6:00PM – 7:00PM

Workshop 3: Thursday 11/3, 7:00PM – 8:00PM

Competition Date: Saturday, 11/5, 9:00AM – 5:00PM