Have a suggestion on how to improve the Cockrell School of Engineering? Want to collaborate with our organization on an event? Want to learn more about what we’re doing? Whether you’re a student, company representative, administrator, or just a stranger, we’d love to hear from you!
[do_widget id=contact_form-3]Feel free to get in touch with a specific officer or committee via email. For student organization questions, contact our Vice President of Relations at vp.relations@sec.engr.utexas.edu. For general inquiries, contact our Vice President of Operations at vp.operations@sec.engr.utexas.edu.
In Person
Want to stop by in person to talk to us? Visit the Engineering and Education Research Center (EER), Room 2.618!
If you’d like to send us mail, our mailing address is listed below.
The University of Texas at Austin
Student Engineering Council
2501 Speedway, EER 2.618
Austin, TX 78712