The Society of First-Year Engineers (SFE) is dedicated to providing community, mentorship, and professional development opportunities for first-year students within the Cockrell School of Engineering. Make sure to join the Slack and follow us on Instagram (@sfe.texas) to stay updated with our events! Instructions on how to join the Slack are available at
Society of First-Year Engineers Committee 2022-2023:


The Society of First-Year Engineers is led by Sophia Doss (she/her) and Allison Nguyen (she/her). Sophia is a 4th-year Environmental Engineering major. Allison is a 3rd-year Mechanical Engineer. They can’t wait to start the year and get to know UT ’28!
Check out some of the events we host throughout the year below. Click to learn more about a particular event.
Join us to hear from UT Alumni, Professors, and Upperclassmen on a variety of topics!
Build a boat out of nothing but cardboard and duct tape and race against your friends for prizes!
Take a break from finals and join us for some snacks and fun activities!
Through our First-Year Initiative (FYI), we work with our first-years to address a problem within the Cockrell School of Engineering or the larger Austin community. This project is led by our first-years, giving them valuable organizational and collaborative experience. Last year, we installed a charger checkout system in the Physics, Math, and Astronomy building (PMA) library.