UT SoN is Hiring Tutors Immediately for the Fall 2016 semester!
Seeking tutors for individual and small group tutoring for following subjects:
- Bio 326M (Micro)
- Bio 446L (Anatomy)
- Bio 365s (Physiology)
- Nur 325 (Adult Health 1)
- Nur 455 (Adult Health 2)
Rate of Pay:
$11.00 per hour up to J1 status
$11.50 per hour for J2 status
$12.00 per hour for S1 status
$12.50 per hour for S2 status
Job description: Tutoring sessions focus on helping students determine and meet specific learning goals for individual courses and develop good study strategies.
Tutor Requirement: Tutor must have earned an A grade in course(es) you are assigned to tutor and have achieved minimum of 3.2 cumulative GPA.
Work schedule: Hours will be negotiated based on student and tutor availability.
To apply: Send your resume via email/pdf to Diana Flannery at dflannery@nursing.utexas.edu. Be sure to include your UT EID.
Along with your resume, briefly describe:
-why you want to tutor
-your schedule availability for tutoring
-how many hours per week you are interested in working.
Applicants selected for an interview will be notified by email.