Volunteers needed to help with the City of Austin’s Take a Loved One for a Checkup event (see attached flyer). Students interested should sign up at this link: https://givepul.se/9e3lul. For any questions, you can contact Meghan Duncan and/or Darrell Barnett from Austin Public Health Darrell.Barnett@austintexas.gov/ Meghan.Duncan@austintexas.gov
SON Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer Opportunity for Nursing Students
Our colleague Laura Batz Townsend, co-founder and president of the Louise H. Batz Patient Safety Foundation, asked us to disseminate information about a great volunteer opportunity for students. More information is below. If appropriate, please share this opportunity with nursing students or send to the appropriate person who can distribute… read more
Volunteer Opportunity: Standardized patient in the UT School of Nursing Maternal -Newborn Nursing Acute Care Simulation Days
Maternal -Newborn Nursing Birthing Simulation Days. The simulations serve as introductory learning experiences for students in the Maternal -Newborn nursing clinical practicum courses. Volunteer standardized patients play the role of a birth setting laboring and postpartum patient during the simulation. The School of Nursing faculty welcomes and appreciates all volunteers… read more