
One of the core tenets of SPS is to be a source of information and advice to help members navigate physics at UT. As such, we have compiled a list of valuable resources to get you started.

Mailing List: SPS’s weekly newsletter contains alerts and updates about current events in the department and opportunities in the wider physics community. Sign up here to stay notified.

Undergraduate Physics Information Repository: Created by and for undergraduate physics majors at UT, this information repository contains a variety of resources and answers to common questions.

Physics Advising FAQ: This document contains a list of detailed answers to common questions students have regarding course selection, compiled by our very own Dr. Sitz.

Physics Skill Manual: Physics research often requires skills which may not be covered in your classes. This manual provides an introduction into common skills you will most likely require as a physics major, including LaTeX, error analysis, Mathematica, and more.

Physics Software Page: Physics requires a variety of different programs and software. This page details how to download both university-licensed and external software.

SPS Bylaws: Curious how exactly SPS functions? Check out our bylaws for the official structure of the organization.