All posts by Neha Prathivadi

Is It Most Effective to Apply Antiperspirant in the Morning?

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We all sweat. When people want to limit sweating and smell better, they may apply an antiperspirant or deodorant. It’s common to apply antiperspirant in the morning. We might expect that it works immediately and then the effect wears off. But let’s think twice about that.  

 According to the American Academy of Dermatology, the best time to apply an antiperspirant is before bedtime. The active ingredients of antiperspirants, including aluminum-based compounds, may work better when they have a chance to work overnight. These compounds work by plugging the pores of sweat glands to reduce moisture. Your body naturally sweats less at night, and the body’s sweat glands are more receptive to antiperspirant ingredients and can more effectively absorb them when the armpit is dry. Additionally, applying at night will give the antiperspirant the 6-8 hours it needs to fully plug the sweat ducts. 

So, if you want the full benefit of antiperspirants, apply them at night for the best performance the following day. Strange but true! It’s worth it to Think Twice! 



Doctor Sweat 

Consumer Reports 


Does plucking gray hairs cause more to grow in its place?

If you’re looking in the mirror and see a lone gray hair, it might be tempting to pull it out. However, there have been warnings that plucking out strands of gray hair can result in multiple more appearing. Is that true? Should we avoid pulling out the gray strands?   

Hair gets its color from melanin, a pigment in our hair, eyes, and skin. The amount of this pigment decreases as we age, and less melanin is produced. Once these pigment-producing cells in the hair follicle die, our hair displays no color, which we interpret as gray. Plucking one gray hair does not impact the hair follicles around it since the surrounding cells are still alive and will maintain our natural hair color.  

There may be another reason not to pluck gray hairs.  Each time you pluck a hair, it grows out thinner or may not grow back at all.    

 It may seem like plucking on gray hair leads to others, but that’s probably just your head aging.  Plucking a gray hair does not affect the other hair follicles, but it does damage that one follicle you pluck. Embrace the gray or choose to dye your hair, but don’t fret about plucking.    


UAMS Health 

Huff Post 

Should You Consume Pre-Workout Supplements?

Best Pre Workout Supplements

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Pre-workout supplements are advertised to increase energy and improve exercise performance. TikTok trends claim that “dry scooping”–taking supplements without water–helps the body absorb them faster. What is the evidence for or against such claims?

Because these supplements are not regulated by the FDA, it’s difficult to be certain exactly what they contain. Pre-workout supplements typically consist of protein building blocks (creatine and beta-alanine), vitamins, nutrients, and a notable dose of caffeine. Creatine is theorized to increase focus and beta-alanine to an energy boost. Caffeine can increase heart rate and blood flow. On the basis of a few low-quality studies, claims are made that these three main ingredients slightly enhance performance in extreme athletes but may not significantly impact individuals who exercise moderately (Ghose, 2015; Spillane, Schwarz, & Willoughby, 2014; Duncan et al., 2012).

Dry scooping is associated with a risk of inhaling the powder, with a potential for inflammation or infection. There may also be a risk for overconsumption of caffeine.

Used as directed, some of these supplements have as much caffeine as three cups of coffee. This high amount of caffeine, combined with a person’s daily coffee and soda consumption, can lead to nausea and shakiness. There may also be a small risk of heart rhythm problems.

An alternative to consuming pre-workout supplements may be healthy sources of energy such as whole, natural foods. Bananas and other fruits have carbohydrates that break down quickly and give us energy. Coffee is a familiar, safe, and readily available source of a caffeine energy boost. It’s healthy to develop good habits of diet and activity in all aspects of life, not just at the time of a workout.

It’s not clear whether consuming pre-workout supplements has more potential for benefit than for harm. If it holds some appeal for you, ensure the supplements have familiar ingredients and be cautious about your daily caffeine intake.