Tag Archives: health

Does weight training stunt growth?

In a Hurry? Try Express Weight Training - The New York Times

Image from nytimes.com

Adolescents and pre-adolescents may start thinking about taking up weight training. You may have heard rumors that weight training can stunt growth. 


The concern is that weight training can injure the areas of the bone that grow (the growth plates) and limit stature. There is no evidence that high-impact sports like gymnastics, soccer, football, and basketball harm growth plates. The same is true for weight training. 


There is a risk of injury from lifting more weight than one can control. In other words, the weights and machines can cause direct blunt trauma. But in general, the health benefits of lifting weights outweigh the risks. Weight training can improve strength, confidence, coordination, psychological well-being, and healthy weight. Weight training strengthens bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons, thereby decreasing the risk of injury to these structures. 


The key is understanding how to safely lift heavy weights and the potential dangers of a weight room. 














Are The White Flakes on Your Scalp Dandruff?

Dandruff vs. dry scalp: Differences and best treatments | FOX31 Denver

Image from kdvr.com

Many of us, especially in cold and dry weather, may see white flakes falling from our hair and assume they are dandruff. Flakes from dry scalp are far more common than true dandruff.   


Dandruff is caused by overgrowth of a yeast (malassezia) present on most normal skin. Less washed hair can result in a more oily scalp. Malassezia grow by “feeding” on the oil produced by the sebaceous glands attached to hair follicles. Dandruff is treated with more frequent hair washing to reduce oil. In some cases, specific antifungal shampoos are recommended by a dermatologist.


It’s important to recognize the difference between dry scalp and dandruff, because treatments for dry scalp moisturize the skin, whereas treatments for dandruff try to reduce oiliness and moisture, so using the wrong method can further dry out a dry scalp or overly moisturize an oily one. If you can’t tell the difference, try applying a small amount of moisturizer to your head before sleeping; after rinsing it out in the morning, if the flakes still remain, you’re probably looking at dandruff.


This time of year is famous for dry scalp and flare-ups in dandruff, so make sure to take care of your body and prioritize a healthy scalp!






Does sugar make kids hyperactive?

Bowl of American Candy

Image from https://www.2foodtrippers.com/best-american-candy/

Neha Prathivadi

The expression “sugar rush” is one that has been in our vocabularies since our early childhood days. Many parents are concerned about their children’s consumption of candy and other sugary foods, because they fear it will lead to overexcitement and hyperactivity. However, is there actually a link between sugar and hyperactivity in children? Researchers seem to disagree.

The concept of the “sugar rush” originated from the theory that since sugar is a source of energy for our bodies, consuming more sugar should lead to higher energy levels. In reality, our bodies don’t break down all the sugar immediately. Rather, we store it and use small amounts when needed, so we shouldn’t actually show signs of hyperactivity after eating large amounts of sugar. 

An analysis of multiple research studies found that sugar does not impact the behavior or mental performance of children. So, if there is no impact, how do we explain children appearing “hyper” after consuming sugar? The answer may be confirmation bias. Most kids tend to eat sugary foods in fun settings, like birthday parties or family holidays. Our minds may falsely link  the excitement surrounding the event to the sugar. 

Another interesting fact is that sugar blocks the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis, which is a component of our brain that is associated with stress. Therefore, sugar might lessen stress levels and could actually calm us.

So far, there is no evidence to show a connection between sugar and hyperactivity in children. Nevertheless, it is still important to be aware of what you are consuming in order to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle. So have fun and enjoy your occasional ice cream, cookie, or candy, but make sure to snack in moderation!
