Indya McKnight, a student of UTeach Theatre, spent this past summer 2019 as an intern at the Magik Theatre in San Antonio.
“This summer I was able to intern at Camp Showbiz with The Magik Theatre in San Antonio, TX. Some of the intern responsibilities include assisting the teaching artist with curriculum, teaching the campers about theatre’s core values, writing scripts for the campers’ final performances, directing the children throughout the process and being an overall support system along the way. As an intern, you are also responsible for creating educational resource guides for the theatre’s upcoming season and teaching a “mini-focus” lesson over a selected area of thematic content. I also had the opportunity to co-teach for two of the five sessions, which gave me a chance to really take charge while collaborating with not only the children but with the other co-teacher as well. Throughout the entirety of my summer with Camp Showbiz I was able to develop the skills needed as a future theatre educator, such as classroom management, adaptability, patience, etc. Overall, my experience in working with the Magik Theatre could best be described as challenging, educational, and rewarding. If anyone has any interest in working in a theatre summer camp, I would highly recommend applying to Camp Showbiz at the Magik Theatre.”